Tag: motor control circuit

Robot projects, CNC projects Electromechanical and different systems needed Motor control circuits Motor drive circuits

PWM Motor Control Circuit HPWM PIC16F876 Frequency Modulated

| 2011/05/01

Hello friends. Recent studies have adjustable frequency PWM motor control circuit that I want to share with you. Circuit is designed using pic16f876 and HPWM hardware. I used IRF540N MOSFETs in the payload. Mosfet Mosfet driver I used to drive the TLP250. With mCi TLP250 to the payload portion is fully insulated with chassis. The…

ATMega8 Bipolar Stepper Motor Driver Circuit L293B

| 2010/12/03

Bipolar stepper motor control circuit 6v … 35v inter able to run power 1 amp on the circuit control, program, sensor, PWM, UART has links ATMega8 output used in motor drive l293b circuit of the source c code ares pcb and isis simulation files there. control circuit microcontroller atmel atmega8 motor control L293 Bipolar Stepper…

High-Power 30A DC Motor Speed Control Circuit PWM LM358 CD4093

| 2010/11/29

The power of the DC Motor speed control circuit can work between 30 amps and 12…32 volts. Speed control is done with PWM technique. It has “Reversible” reverse, straight control feature. Circuit LM358, CD4093, and IRF2804 speed control based on mosfets can be made with a 5k potentiometer or a joystick called “hall effect throttle”.…

SLA7062M Motor Control Circuit 3 Axis CNC Project

| 2010/09/26

CNC motor control card from the computer’s LPT port kullanılbiliy communication is made​​. Drivers at the unipolar stepper motor driver integrated Sanken SLA7062M used SLA7062M 3 amps of power has integrated CNC control circuit operating voltage of 46V eagle printed circuit prepared with the scheme’s drawings. 3 Axis CNC Circuit SLA7062M Motor Control SLA7062M UNIPOLAR…

CNC Router Circuit Stepper Mmotor Drive L297 L6208 Control Board

| 2010/06/13

CNC router project consists of 3 chapters power solid – L6208 (DMOs bipolar stepper motor driver integrated) drive solid L297 (stepper motor control) L298 (bridge motor drive) and for computer connection LPT 74LS541 solid all circuits pc power supply enclosure mounted L297 L6208 CNC router project Source: goo.gl/9gAr Ary of all sections of the pcb,…

CNC Milling Machine for Drilling Drive Control Circuits

| 2010/03/08

Motor driver board for CNC Machine L297, L298 author conducted with integrated 3 axis control circuit for each engine used. LPT parallel port that communicates with the computer is done via the ULN2803 circuit and built on PC849 opto For controlling the motors I’m using a chopper controller that works with L297 and L298 ic.…

ULN2803 CNC control interface for the isolated LPT

| 2010/02/16

You can also use your CNC project running from the computer’s LPT port interface control card to the 74HC14 integrated circuit uln2803 are based on the opto-isolation provided by pc817 I decided to design your own master plate for CNC applications but not only 😉 (it is also used as a programmer for ATmega microcontrollers,…

PIC16F84A PWM DC Motor Speed Control with JAL Code Example

| 2010/02/13

Article, the project sent from sharing section of a dc motor control applications. Applications that perform, and that leads us to thank our readers @Hüseyin DEMİRBİLEK itself. I occasionally share our other readers do. Jal programming beginners who wish to be helpful to people. Hi this is my first I’m going to share. Jal programming…

24V Motor Bike Driver PWM Control Circuit TL494

| 2009/12/28

Working with 24 volt motor driver circuit motor bike used with modified by attaching the TL494 control integrated circuit MOSFET driver transistors have three different versions of the system used is similar MOSFETs different 24V PWM Motor Control Circuit TL494 Motor Bike 24V Driver circuit schematic pcb files: