Tag: microchip projects

PIC circuits, PIC projects have been realized with microchip controllers of Microchip company.

USC LCD Computer CPU RAM Indicator PIC18F2550

| 2012/07/14

Computer CPU RAM Display PIC18F2550 microcontroller circuit board on your computer with the USB communication that uses CPU and RAM as% of the value of 2 × 16 LCD screen also displays the time information is also giving. Computer software in C # with Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 HiTech C18 prepared by the microcontroller software…

Line Following Robot Circuit PIC12F508 MC68HC908QB8

| 2012/07/11

Line following robot project, control of MC68HC908QB8 and PIC12F508 microcontrollers. Motor drive circuit used the L298. The system is complicated and cumbersome, but there’s a different robot projects useful sections PIC12F508-American SFH506-36 IR receiver solid (Infra Red Proximity Detector uses Sharp 38 or 40 kHz IRM) IRE5 sensor solid power supply regulated etc. is a…

4th Floor Elevator Control Circuit PIC16F877

| 2012/07/06

Hello Friends . In high school I have done an elevator control circuit I want to share with you . I’ve designed a 4-story elevator . What floor is the elevator on each floor, a display showing that , Recall button , and the LED are busy . Likewise in the display in the cabin…

8X8 Matrix LED Scrolling Text Circuit RS232 Sending Text

| 2012/06/17

8x8px LED matrix marquee project pic16c52p microcontroller based on the circuit program prepared for the RS232 port negotiation make up to 128 characters font can send 8 × 8 TA23-11EW A – matrix screens CD4094 8-Bit Shift Register, Latch integrated with plowed .. The marquee for this circuit can be powered via the USB port…

12V 100W Lamp With Magnifier Lens Disco Effect System

| 2012/06/09

Disco effects of the system control circuit PIC16F628 on board but the basic parts 12 volt 100 watt lamp and a magnifying lens (one in the header extend more than you;)) PIC16F628 with stepper motor is controlled certain speed and direction of the motor rotation is provided motor connected to the end that colored round…

40 Channel Animation Led Circuit PIC18F452

| 2012/05/26

Especially those used in LED signage is an enhanced version of the animation card has 40 outputs to the circuit board PIC18F452 microcontroller outputs 5 sadder 74ls595 irf540n MOSFETs are used in the multiplexed output irfz44 used instead. Set the dip switch can easily be found on the circuit is being run with different animations.…

8 Channel 24 Amp Triac Animation Circuit PIC16F628

| 2012/05/22

Hello Friends For a long time I did not do my share. I looked at my little library amusement park six months ago I prepared for bi TRIAC 8 Channel 24 saw the animated card. Obviously things I’d forgotten due. After getting a bit of project files I thought I’d share with you. Card design…

Computer Controlled Robot Project PIC16F877

| 2012/05/22

Computer-controlled robot circuit special program is moving according to the shapes drawn on further action can be achieved by giving the coordinates instead of drawing circuit PIC16F877 microcontroller used robot communication between computers via RS232 serial port is provided. L298 as motor driver PIC16F877 software used for the project prepared by micro-pascal computer program source…

USB Interface Circuit Pic18f2550 Delphi

| 2012/05/22

The project is written with delphi program microcontroller used USB interface Pic18f2550 control through a variety of commands on the card may be sent 4 channel button input, 4-channel led output, 2 x 16 lcd article submission etc. Pic18f2550, including delphi source code and project files have the proteus isis 7.6 Source: technologuepro.com/montages-electroniques/Interface-USB-PIC18F2550-19.html FILE DOWNLOAD…

Thermocouple Reading Circuit PIC16F877

| 2012/05/16

Thermocouple reading circuit PIC16F877 microcontroller based on the C source software, isis proteus simulation files and eagle diagram, printed circuit boards have drawings. Thermocouple voltage 0V (0 ° C) and 42.92mv (760 º C) 4.8mv (5/1024) on a PIC16F877 8-bit resolution ADC resolution 10bits DAC. Thermocouple General Information Thermocouples -200 ° to 2320 ° C…