Tag: microchip projects

PIC circuits, PIC projects have been realized with microchip controllers of Microchip company.

Calculator Circuit with PIC18F452

| 2016/04/22

the PIC18F452 is a simple calculator circuit that can process that I did with 4.You can enter the five-digit numbers.(for Word).Also able to make fractional calculations.After you find do an operation and the result is a new transaction in order to make them “equal” you must press the button.If you have any questions on the…

Electronic Dice Circuit With PIC12F629

| 2016/04/22

the PIC12F629 on a microcontroller based electronic dice. electronic DICE with 14 LEDs dual membranes prepared for application software mikroc used to give random results when a button is pressed for 3 seconds if not used within 15 seconds after it goes to sleep mode normal operation of the circuit of the button continues. Electronic…

PIC16F876 Control of 8 Servos Motor 5 Analog Channels I2C bus

| 2014/07/03

Microcontroller PIC16F876 4Mhz Controlled by the I2C slave module and analog servos technical report describes the design, both from the electronic point of view, as a computer control board for I2C bus 8 standard radio control servos, and 5 analog inputs (analog / digital conversion). The main characteristics of the module are presented as follows:…

PIC16F88 LCD Tachometer Circuit

| 2014/07/03

PIC16F88Rpm analog voltage output that is, PWM signal so that only the output filter will depend on VDD. While there, press the switch, use the calibration and output voltage range equivalent to the rotation. 0-6000, for example when a voltage range of 4.8V to press on with this switch. Analog output voltage is 2.4V when…

ISD2560 Voice Recording Playback Project PIC16F84 Controlled

| 2014/07/03

ISD2560 to directly control the PIC16F84A, audio recordings and multiple block will be able to play. LSI can be driven directly speakers also, in view of the lack of volume, only added to the amplifier IC. This volume 10 minutes to drive the speakers. One LSI chip for voice recording playback “ISD2560” using a simple…

CM8870 Remote device control via telephone DTMF pic16f628

| 2014/04/09

PIC16F628 microcontroller and DTMF CM8870 integrated circuits based on the 1, 2, 4 relay has versions with PCB printed circuit drawings ares proteus software prepared by the Picbasic. Source code, the PCB according to the drawings, as well as different operating scenarios given in Picbasic software files. For sharing Şükrü ÖZKARABACAK I thank my teacher…

PIC16F873 with LCD Display Calculator Circuit

| 2014/03/10

Made with PIC16F873 microcontroller calculator project .. keypad buttons are used for standard HD44780 LCD assembly prepared with the software. Asm. Hex code there. Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, decimal and hexadecimal number systems, computing the square root, the inverse value of arithmetic operations can be done and why. source: elektro-shemi.ru alternative link: FILE DOWNLOAD LINK…

Disco Light Effects System with PIC16F876

| 2014/03/06

It is a circuit for the circuit only show animation, colored lights and sound in proportion to the severity of a circuit to change the animation speed, also have created this. Usually known as disco effects, disco lights, etc.. Mounted to the surface in the form of a circle of colorful glass circuit stepper motor…

With 4 Digit 7 Segment Time DS18B20 Thermometers pic16f628

| 2014/02/26

Pic16f628 microcontroller-DS18B20 sensor clock thermometer based on the project has been very useful and detailed narration. Pic16f628-DS18B20 On the streets, the streets often started to see their side – instantly claiming your dependability or your willingness to serve the public, Turkish people maybe advertisers pay attention çekmekdeki with the application of the new method of…

Pic16f84 RGB Led Strip Animation Circuit

| 2014/02/25

PIC made with 8-channel moving light circuit. Combine some of this circuit outputs a rgb led Ribbon. the result satisfying. Three different buttons animation circuit. Which if you hold that the animation comes in. If you connect the pushbutton switch instead of the constant animation of the animation to remain stable. The circuit is required…