Tag: microchip projects

PIC circuits, PIC projects have been realized with microchip controllers of Microchip company.

NiMH NiCd Battery Charger Circuit PIC16F877 PIC16F876

| 2008/03/07

NiCd NiMH Charger Circuit The accu cycler project presented here is an excellent solution for charging and discharging NiCd and NiMH accumulators for R/C modelers and others who make use of these accumulator types. With its performance it is very close to the many of the commercial products available on the market. The firmware for…

PIC16F84 Barcode Reader Circuit

| 2008/03/07

Barcode also outline some ofstandard, which is the NW-7 is a standard bar code reader by the hand scan prototype system. NW-77bit—14—3—01 NW 7-7-bit code standard, and is one of the four characters are three black bars and white bars and fine performance element to 0, with a diameter elements. Character than the width between…

PIC12C509 Remote Receiver Transmitter

| 2008/03/07

Summary infrared remote control for video and television transmitter sent from the terminal and control code to determine, on, off, and can be reversed. NEC Matt Howe Institute consumer electronics products that conform to the transmitter, if possible on most operating there, in our multi Sony verify remote control transmitter manufacturer, Matsushita, Hitati, Toshiba, NEC,…

PIC12F629 PWM SMPS Control

| 2008/03/06

PIC12F629 microcontroller is done with PWM Control GP0, GP1 output MOSFETs with BUK555 in the SMPS transformer EI33 if sülü. 25kHz operating frequency of the circuit tests made ​​with 50w load. ATX SMPS power supply transformer ei33 from the author of deploying and re-festooned dressing. It is a chopper to 25 kHz built around a…

PWM Motor and Power Control with PIC16F84

| 2008/03/05

PIC16F84 4 MHz crystal is connected 100 Hz PWM output produces a pulse width of 10 separate levels are adjusted these values ​​asm software vary from circuit only engine that not all GUS control applications can be used on a frequency of 50 Hz is set inverters driven circuit two buttons have their power levels…

PIC16F628 RGB LED Control Circuit

| 2008/03/02

RGB LED control circuit 16F628 microcontroller based on the software prepared by JAL. Source code and circuit diagrams are available. According to information from the computer via serial port LEDs working with Visual Basic code for the application of resources given the necessary programs. RGB control circuit diagram This code is for a simple RGB…

PIC16F876 PWM Motor Speed ​​Control

| 2008/03/02

CCS PCM compiler pic16f876 microcontroller circuit prepared with software installed on the PIC hex output FETs are driven IRL1004 MOSFET PWM frequency of 10 kHz with the engine. Prepared with eagle pcb circuit and printed circuit board file source software. I tried several ready made PWM speed control circuits. Of the few I tried, there…

PIC18F2455 PIC-Tengu CCS C Talking Robot

| 2008/02/24

Funny robot application is a fun app 🙂 Speaking software installed on PIC18F2455 with CCS C prepared according to the audio signal around talking smiley made ​​of LEDs. Also working in windows environment with source code in JAVA based program’s When I first saw the cloned Tengu developed by Alex on the Hackaday blog, I…

PIC12F675 PC Programmable Security System

| 2008/02/10

This project uses the 12F675, it was chosen because of its low cost, A/D convertor and flash memory. This security system was designed to be used in a simple installation with just a hidden switch and not a keyboard. There are several features such as a battery monitor built into the code that also make…

PIC16F870 LMX2306 PLL FM Transmitter Circuit

| 2008/01/14

FM PLL transmitter circuit 12V supply 500mW has the power circuit PIC16F870 and LMX2306 integrated based on the simple circuit of a single coil are killers though PLL (phase-locked loop-Phase-locked loop) circuits without line would sooner or later will deal though commercially available wound coils can be found 500mW FM PLL transmitter 88-108MHz This is…