Tag: microchip projects

PIC circuits, PIC projects have been realized with microchip controllers of Microchip company.

PIC16F84 Midi 32-channel decoder circuit

| 2008/06/17

Midi 32-channel decoder circuit made ​​with PIC16F84 microcontroller pic çoklanıp with 74LS574 outputs given the output circuit uln2803 12v dc and dc 5v (integrated supply) is working with a list of materials and source code are printed circuit boards. PIC assembly prepared with the software. PIC16F84 32-outputs MIDI Decoder Here is the description a 32…

PIC16F628A Line following robot project

| 2008/06/01

Line following robot project with a more powerful battery and the engine was a good guess but it can result in opportunities, folks have the best hand made ​​based on PIC16F628A circuit used for the detection sensor CNY70 L298 used for motor control Line following robot control board Line following robot test PIC16F628A Line following…

Control of Satellite Antenna with PIC16F877

| 2008/05/19

It looks like a simple circuit, but you need to have some knowledge about PIC, the control of the circuit is done from the rs232 port on the computer. There is a detailed explanation and source asm and hex code on the source site. I don’t know much about this subject, but it may be…

Three-Axis Stepper Motor Driver Circuit with PIC12C508

| 2008/05/10

From the computer’s parallel port 3 axis cnc stepper motor control circuit can be used for projects PIC12C508 microcontroller (3 pieces) lpt port connected to the output MOSFETs in there. PCB material list, diagrams, code’s documentation. Motor control drive circuit used with Mach3 CNC program. 3 Axis Stepper Motor Driver Source: hobbycnc.hu Three-Axis Stepper Motor…

CNC Control Interface with PIC12F629 and 74HC244N

| 2008/05/10

CNC Project on via a computer paralelport lpt with the various engine controls allows you to make a circuit on the circuit input and output sections terminals is done via the lpt 74HC244N integrated depending on the pcb printed circuit board design quite well circuit diagram pcb drawings resource asm hex code there. CNC Interface…

0-25V ​​2.5A Digital Power Supply Circuit LCD Display PIC16F873P

| 2008/05/10

Digital power supply circuit with microcontroller pic16f873p conducted and current sensing, power transistors (tip142) is used in the control LM324 op amp. LCD display showing information on the current and voltage source project pic code (asm, hex) and with eagle pcb files have drawn diagrams. For boxing writers have used an old AT power supply…

Antenna Control X-Y with PIC16F876 picbasic

| 2008/05/08

XY antenna, motor control circuit PIC16F876 with 4 buttons on the control board can be made Microcode Studio Plus software and prepared with Pic basic resource. Press code and PCB files there. Control System Antennas (X and Y) This is the second version of the plate created since the first try performed by taking the…

Philips RC5 Remote Dimmer with PIC16F628

| 2008/04/19

The purpose of the remote dimmer control circuit TV (Philips RC5 code) 220V lamp with brightness adjustment can be made. Increase and decrease +10, -10 and +1, -1 as is done in two ways. Circuit PIC16F628, and 4N35 MOC3021’ve used. @ Melih. While the project design involved a great many thanks to ETE evening. PIC16F628…

PIC18F2320 Timer Digital Group Socket

| 2008/04/08

Digital group of plugs when using pic18f2320 microcontroller (DS1302) becomes set if getil (Relay control with 4 channels) socket on the LCD display shows the time, the remaining time can be adjusted with the buttons visible. Devices connected to the outlet can be closed automatically. Software PCBs with C language prepared by the project, the…

Computer Controlled Smart Home Project with PIC16F873

| 2008/04/06

Smart home automation control project your computer on the control program and PIC16F873 on board with the circuit bulb lights on the severity of your air conditioner temperature or any engine speed ayarlayabilirsiniz.sens you and help through a program within your home, temperature, pressure, light settings, such as physical values ​​that lets you control a…