Tag: microchip projects
PIC16F84 Line Follower Robot Project
PIC16F877 Nixie Clock Circuit CCS C
Nixie clock circuit software 16F877 ccs c prepared by the controller based on the display indicating that circuit anyway `at 2 Lamp made with Nixie do not have any information about the project and schema files are available in source c In response to a request from a student, I made a Nixie clock using…
Simple Melody Circuit with PIC16F84A DO-RE-MI-FA
PIC16F84A microcontroller with the basic DO-RE-MI-FA pic of a simple circuit that can produce notes prepared by software RA3 assembly speaker connected to the output of 0.5W. Guide to use the PIC electronic work, I made a Doremifa organ using the 16F84A as the 2. We put out the sound of each Doremifa in SW8…
Simple Electronic Piano with PIC16F84A
Graphic LCD Module Library for SG12864AS CCS C Compiler
Font libraries and library control done. SG12232 was previously processed by an area twice as long vertically. This module memory control LSI and the instinctive power of the LCD can be easily controlled outside of the control IC without having to connect directly to a microcontroller. Apps can be applied to a variety of shapes,…
PIC16F88 Digital Voltmeter Circuit
Voltmeter circuit PIC16F88 microcontroller C language prepared by the program based on the indicators used for the 7-segment LED display with integrated TTL 74ls47 74hc238 and are driven. pic16F88 of AD was made using a digital voltmeter conversion. The goal is practical resolution of about 10mV maximum voltmeter that can measure up to 20V. AD…
Inductance & Capacitance Meter PIC16F648A LCmeter
PIC16F648A LC meter Simply, + -1% accuracy battery powered compact LC for low power consumption does not have a meter is recommended. C measurement range is 0.1pF ~ 1uF (renewal auto range) L range is measured 0.01uH ~ 100mH (renewal auto range) L saw the experiment in measuring 1cm in line (0.01 uH) displays. LC…
Roland DG CMU-800 Midi Modification PIC16F876
Roland DG CMU-800 SYNTH Drum midi device midi controller for the property prepared by 16f876 microcontroller circuit Taking into account the built-in console, PIC16F876 using a simple configuration was possible. MIDIPICUSART Once he is in the MIDI signal optocouplers, PIC’s USART receive function. PICPORTADIN SYNCLED—PORTBCMU-800—PORTC PIC is the PORTA DIN SYNC output and LED indicator,…