Tag: microchip projects

PIC circuits, PIC projects have been realized with microchip controllers of Microchip company.

dsPIC33FJ12GP202 midi synthesizer mcp4921 6n137

| 2010/05/23

Parts Used: dsPIC33FJ12GP202 and MCP4921 My day job involves developing real-time algorithms for machine vision, but in my spare time I work with a Physicist who does NOAA research involving the use of low-power microcontrollers. When I first read about dsPIC, I was very curious about what it could do. I chose the dsPIC33 for…

Microchip PIC Examples Assembly Project

| 2010/05/20

All source code, libraries, and other files, complete with diagrams practices Microchip PIC assembler’s eight projects. In particular interface applications can be useful for different projects. GPS to SD-Card Data Logger pic16f819 This project combines a GPS receiver module, a Microchip PIC microcontroller and a Secure Digital memory card to make a GPS data logger.…

USB RGB Led Strip Control PIC18F2550 Mosfet Driver Circuit

| 2010/05/20

RGB LED control circuit based on the PIC18F2550 microcontroller communication is done via the computer’s USB port can be controlled RGB LED strip through the program (rapid color change, slow color change) LEDs can change color according to the ambient temperature DS1821 temperature sensor is used for sensing temperature values ​​can be determined on the…

Lamp Effects Circuit PIC16F628 10-Channels 12V 60W

| 2010/05/20

Effect circuit pic16f628 microcontroller based pic16f628a outputs powered by BUZ20 mosfets 10 pieces 12volt 60w lamps can be connected (LED was used in the tests) pcb, schematic drawings and source software prepared with Mikro Pascal Pro (.asm, .hex, .mpas, .mpppi) are available. It provides instant but sequential switching on of approximately ten 12V / 60W…

Use ADNS2610 Optical Mouse Sensor PIC18F4550 USB

| 2010/05/20

Adns2610 interesting optical mouse sensor circuit out of the detected motion is displayed on a computer screen. PIC18F4550 USB connection on the circuit board are available. Normal mouse but sees his job applications were done with PIC and MPLAB file that contains resources for different projects to be developed, it might inspire Mouse Sensor Circuit…

Metal Detector Circuit PIC12F683 Microcontroller

| 2010/05/16

Simple metal detector circuit with PIC12F683. A simple application software that can be an example for making a metal detector with PIC was prepared with microc. A coil between 10uh…..300uh is used as a metal sensor, and when metal is approached to the coil, it emits LED light. The supply of the metal detector circuit…

PIC18F4580 USB Analyzer Circuit LCD 4-Channel

| 2010/05/16

Often when checking digital signals or debugging devices, a logic analyzer is required as more and more devices are being developed, especially microcontrollers. A simple logic analyzer circuit that can be used for most digital signals and also has a memory function. The logic analyzer circuit is based on the pic18f4580 microcontroller and a 128×64…

Framework for USB PIC18F4550 Generic HID VisualStudio

| 2010/05/16

There is an open source developable Framework USB HID application sample circuit application (usb lcd text sending) and visual studio C# source codes for PIC18F series microcontrollers with USB connection. It means you can quickly develop and test USB device and Windows host application with minimal USB General HID protocol knowledge. The class library gives…

Sine Wave Inverter Circuit with PIC16F876 Microcontroller

| 2010/05/14

First of all, the circuit is quite complicated 🙂 I think that people with professional design experience can handle the task, but some parts of the circuit diagram and the source code written in C language may be useful for different projects. Built on the sine wave inverter circuit PIC16F876, all floors are separately specified…

Led Heart Animation Circuit PIC12F675 Microcontroller

| 2010/05/11

Hi, this article will save you from the hard work of you and your fatigue will assign a kind of circuit that you desire and willingness to solder smoke to relieve a little I offer a simple light heart. This solder smell after a long period creates a desire in me that you wont know…