Tag: audio amplifier circuits

Amplifiers with 1000 watts or more. Mini amplifier is a standard amplifier, as well as quality amplifier. Mono stereo amplifier, Class D Amplifier High-power amplifier circuits, low-power amplifier circuits, bjt mosfet transistor, integrated designs projects.

4X60W Car Amplifier Circuit LM3886 SG3525 DC DC Converter

| 2016/06/18

Amplifier 4×60 Watts. To its solution was first selected integrated circuit LM3886T. The proposal continued the calculations and the election of the additional components of the integrated circuit and the design of printed circuit connections. To the end amplifier was also designed system of active cooling. In the fourth chapter was made the proposal of…

Digital Class D Amplifier Circuit TAS5706A PCM1850A ATmega128

| 2016/06/14

TAS5706A Class D Amplifier was itself the signal processor. From this parts depend all the other elements. Has an impact on the type of power supply, the control method of the type converter. That is why he was first selected DSP processor. There are more firms that produce the processed signal processors whose internal connection…

2X100W Class D Amplifier Circuit HIP4081A

| 2016/06/09

HIP4081A two-channel output stage amplifier working in class D power 2×100 W to the load 8 Ω. For its construction are used mostly SMD components to the parasitic characteristics of the conductive connections shown what at least. The end-amplifier working in class D was designed in the “non-integrated” version in engagement with each of the…

2.1 Class D Amplifier Circuit TPA3116D2 TPA3118D2 Subwoofer

| 2016/06/08

The power output stage in class D amplifier is implemented using two integrated circuits from the company Texas Instruments – TPA3118D2 for the right and left channel and the TPA3116D2 for the channel of the subwoofer. Stereo channels delivering maximum power output 2×30W into loads of 8 Ω and a subwoofer 100W to a load…

IRS2092 Class D Amplifier Circuit LM1036 Tone Controlled

| 2016/06/08

IRS2092 2X50W Class D Amplifier Project The objective of this work is the design and implementation of the amplifier of class D with an output power 2 x 50 W at the impedance load of 4 Ω and a maximum total harmonic distortion of 10 %. In work is described the principle of operation of…

800W Class D Amplifier Circuit IR2110 PWM

| 2016/06/08

2X400W Class D Amplifier Project with IR2110 . The function of the PWM modulator For clarity of explanation of the function of the entire PWM modulator it is advisable to split it into a few blocks away. The first and most important block is the generator of triangular signal, which consists of the integrator formed…

Digital Class D Amplifier Project TAS5613 TDA9859 ATmega128

| 2016/06/08

TDA9859 The main part of the preamplifier is an integrated circuit TDA9859, this integrated circuit is controlled via the I2C microprocessor Atmega128. Individual settings of the preamplifier through the keyboard are displayed on the graphical LCD display. Integrated circuit TDA9859 The preamp allows you to adjust the volume level, bass, treble, and balance in a…

TDA8929T TDA8927J Class D Amplifier Circuit Project

| 2016/06/07

Class D Amplifier TDA8927J This integrated circuit includes a terminal switching transistors type DMOS (Double-Diffused MOS), circuits for controlling the transistors and circuits for communication with the control circuit. It is also equipped with a control circuit for detecting the maximum output current and temperature sensor. Further, this circuit is characterized by high efficiency, a…

TAS5611A Class D Amplifier Circuit Project

| 2016/06/06

The block diagram of the integrated circuit TAS5611A As mentioned above, the circuit contains 4 identical channels. The input signal is fed to pin INPUT_X. Signal continues into the feedback filter ANALOG LOOP FILTER and further to the input multiplexer the ANALOG INPUT MUX. In the block ANALOG COMPARATOR MUX occurs to compare the input…

TDA7490 Class-D Amplifier Project

| 2016/06/06

The output stage of the TDA7490 amplifier in class D The core of the end stage class d circuit is TDA7490 from the company STMicroelectronics. The way in which this amplifier works, was discussed above. Here will be dismantled just a function nejdůleţitějších components. On pin 8 generates a modulation signal, or it is possible…