Tag: audio amplifier circuits

Amplifiers with 1000 watts or more. Mini amplifier is a standard amplifier, as well as quality amplifier. Mono stereo amplifier, Class D Amplifier High-power amplifier circuits, low-power amplifier circuits, bjt mosfet transistor, integrated designs projects.

Active Subwoofer Bass Filter Circuit TDA2030 Amplifer Project

| 2010/02/09

Circuit based on tda 2030 amplifier integrated tda2030 lm1875, tda2040, tda2050 can be used instead of lm1875, tda2040, tda2050 pcb design is very small for sound control, a potentiometer is added to the supply filter capacitor on the pcb, the bass filter made with tl074 can be used in different amplifier circuits. The system is…

TDA Series Audio Amplifier Book

| 2010/01/23

Philips company TDA series amplifier integrated to prepare a document has been on the market a lot tdaxxxx amp integrated detailed information about the (power, operating voltage, frequency, etc..) And televisions, stereos, audio systems for the circuit diagrams are summarized below was given AUDIO AMPLIFIER ICS DESIGNER’S GUIDE Product survey and page reference In application…

Quality Microphone, Guitar Preamplifier Circuits

| 2010/01/22

There are preamp circuits that will be especially useful for musicians and guitarists, and there are quality tried and printed circuits. A very high quality design preamp circuit has stereo two-channel audio input/output and microphone input, as well as equalizer and volume control sections. Controlled by tl071 and tl072 opamps, the supply voltage of the…

Amplifier Circuit TDA2030 Stereo 15W

| 2010/01/22

TDA2030 datasheet can give you the power circuit according to the information 18w mono 30w 2 is called the total power used in the audio input you can control the volume potentiometer meters. 12 volt 4 amp transformer to supply power, but suggested that I use a straightening method previously applied. I do not know…

TDA7294 Bridge 300W Amplifier Circuit

| 2010/01/22

TDA7294 amp integrated circuit is made ​​with a lot, but I did share a few of them have been very good this circuit layout design can be said as in the original sound system. 1 x 100w power can be obtained with two TDA7294 TDA7294 with bridge connection can be taken 200w power supply voltage…

400W Transistor Power Amplifier Circuit

| 2010/01/22

BJT transistor amplifier circuit 400w output transistors 4 tip41c quite strong and tip42c 4pcs 2 × 46 volts DC supply voltage + – symmetric power supply. Output power supply AC 12 amp amp 2x33v proposed for transformer circuit connecting to the audio input volume control stereo potentiometer 10 … from 20k to do. The transformer…

100W Transistor Amplifier Circuit TIP3055

| 2010/01/22

100w amp circuits 100w total output power of 50w per channel is not symmetric single source of supply for 63 volt dc supply transformer 43v ac suggested 8amp npn output transistors tip3055 Amplifier specific areas on the circuit diagram of the given values ​​of the voltage VR1, VR2 potentiometer can adjust to these values​​. You…

TDA2004 4X20W Car Amplifier Circuit

| 2010/01/22

Car amp circuit can be used for a quality used 4 tda2004 tda2004 stereo integrated amp that can provide 2 × 10 watts of power with an integrated bridge mono 20w power connection can be taken. Because it is the only source of supply voltage 12 volts from the battery supply can run with. In…

150W Power Amplifier Circuit MJ21194 MJ21193 Transistor

| 2010/01/06

Quality power Amplifier circuit a famous brand’s clone version of the “Krell KSA-50” 8Ω speaker with a 70w rms power can give is said output transistors mj21193 and mj21194 circuit schematic, printed circuit board views from the top all the drawings and gerber files are Krell Clone 150W Amplifier Circuit 150W Amplifier Circuit schematic pcb…

TDA7294 Guitar Amplifier and Tone Control Preamp

| 2010/01/06

Quality economic “Guitar Amplifier Circuit” input sound preamp and tone control floors are available in the market, all parts of the supply circuit to be made on a separate plate has pcb and diagram. Printed circuit audio input (Pre amp ne5532) section has two inputs designed in accordance with guitar jacks, low and high level…