Tag: arduino projects

Arduino is a very high module for sale Arduino Types, There are many Arduino applications as well as models. Particularly software-oriented is the great advantage of installing electronic hardware with additional Arduino modules.

Guitar Tuning Project with Arduino Uno

| 2014/02/22

Arduino Uno kit on the Board at the entrance of the TL082 opamp used Guitar Tuning circuit audio audio input and frequency to detect the “Arduino-Frequency-Detection” software used. According to the LEDs light at certain frequencies sesisnin the guitar. E – 82.4 Hz A – 110Hz D – 146.8 Hz G – 196Hz B –…

Arduino Uno Robotic Arm Project

| 2013/11/21

The Robot arm is controlled with the computer 6 servo motor used robotic arm system, built on the Arduino Uno is not more complex, additional links to make the robot arm mechanics portion of the challenge, but the writer is necessary for mechanical drawings (Google Sketchup Roboter Arm18. the SBP, Roboter Arm18 .SKP files) the…

Arduino Nano Android Robot Project Qik2s9v1 Xbee Bluetooth

| 2013/11/09

Android robot project built on the Arduino Nano sumo the Sumo robot motor control Qik2s9v1 dual serial motor controller module, Xbee for communication via your Android phone with Bluetooth module is being used. The body of a robot made of 3-dimensional printer writer. Android robot application codes and Arduino Nano robot codes given source: madebyfrutos.wordpress.com/2013/01/12/bobobot…