I’ve shared before, “Ras100 100W hi fi Amplifier version 2” as I applied RAS100 4x amplifier project the circuit in addition to DC power supply filter speaker protection circuits that have a solid and I made this special for Channel 4.
PCB diode Bridge DC filter hasn’t already been used in the design of the floor metal Bridge diode 35A amp it will be better to use to mount to the chassis.
4X100W Amplifier Circuit
Note: the drawings of the PCB to take the pressure “.XPS” extension to isis, ares drawings the drawing files I’m giving you is special to me. The material list of the “top Silk” by looking at the image file you can get. Any information people experience difficulty with non-detailed project
About the amplifier circuit diyaudiotr.com the information on the site that published the article (transformer, power, etc.) applies post here you can reach a backup file.
amp pcb files
FILE DOWNLOAD LINK LIST (in TXT format): LINKS-25429.zip
Published: 2016/04/22 Tags: audio amplifier circuits, transistor amplifier
CNC drilling machine CNC Laser Stencil
An interesting CNC project author’s own and meet the needs of CNC-drilling machine made of wooden material is made up largely mechanical part of the CNC machine control card with chip uln2803 and stepper motors, LPT port connection is being used for classic 74hc14n 74HC14N IRF520 mosfet is controlled by the drilling drill again driven driven
The cost is high because the stencil started of events, the author to prepare the Stencil practical and inexpensive burning laser (200mw) prepare and drilling machine CNC control circuit mounted to have
CNC drilling machine
4X 100W Verstärker
Ich habe geteilt vor, “Ras100 100W hi-fi-Verstärker version 2”, wie ich Sie angewendet RAS100 4x-Verstärker-Projekt der Schaltung zusätzlich zu DC-Netzteil, filter, Lautsprecher-Schutzschaltung, die über eine solide und ich habe dieses spezielle für kanal 4.
Leiterplatte -dioden-Brücke DC-filter nicht bereits in der Gestaltung des Fußbodens Metall-Brücke diode 35A amp es wird besser sein, zu verwenden, um die Halterung an das chassis.
4X100W Verstärker Schaltung