Bga removal and soldering of smd integrated cold soldering automatic soldering BGA chip failures again, BGA, flux, gave detailed information about the use of the hot air gun to solder balls was very common back then, and it was expensive and we were again though his legs now the BGA solder paste with a BGA chip ready bulunoyor zero.
0.5, 0.8, etc. of various sizes on the market, lead-free solder BGA ball features at an affordable price, lead.
In the video game consoles the PS3 Slim and Ultra Slim BGA solder ball using the integrated circuit with automatic soldering repair of hot air gun was made for the PlayStation.
Published: 2014/03/10 Tags: technical video
Handmade 5.1 Potentiometer
On the market there are no potentiometers of 6 channel (I don’t know what the situation is) this potanslar is also used, especially if more than one channel audio 5.1 sound systems needed to make the control of the author, 6 3 piece stereo 2 channel combining potentiometer knobs located within 6 channel made ports using the screw portion of the klemanslarin a little troublesome, but could not find a practical solution to the material.
Der Einsatz Des Lotkugel BGA Löten Reparatur Play Station
Bga entfernen und Löten von smd integrierten kalt-Löten automatische Löten von BGA-und chip-Fehler wieder, BGA, Fluss, gab detaillierte Informationen über die Nutzung der Heißluft-Gewehr-Löten Bälle sehr verbreitet war damals, und es war teuer und wir waren wieder obwohl seine Beine jetzt die BGA lot paste mit einem BGA-chip bereit