Digital group of plugs when using pic18f2320 microcontroller (DS1302) becomes set if getil (Relay control with 4 channels) socket on the LCD display shows the time, the remaining time can be adjusted with the buttons visible. Devices connected to the outlet can be closed automatically. Software PCBs with C language prepared by the project, the source code files are schema.
This little tiny connection a timer clock. The idea arose then when I should have inserted the 3. switch-clock into an one extending because it is necessary to join the lighting already, filter and possibly the heater.
The soul of this connection originally a pic 16F870-es mikrocontroller was. It turned out meanwhile though that little are a sweet RAM and ROM-ja. I exchanged it then an with him onto the compatible bigger sibling of pin assignment, PIC18F2320.
For this the mikrovezérlonek 8192 bytenyi* the memory of a program and 512 bytes data* he has a memory. This already more than enough.
His other important part the DS1302-es RTC produced by Maxim. This a clever real-time clock, because can be found in him an element (ill. backup battery) charger electronics.
source PIC18F2320 Timer Digital Group Socket schematic pcb pic hex alternative link:
Published: 2008/04/08 Tags: microchip projects, microcontroller projects
100 watts Hi-Fi Amplifier Circuit MJL21194 MJL21193
MJL21193 MJL21194 transistor 100 watts Hi-Fi Amplifier Circuit DC + -36 volts symmetrical supply is working with circuit diagrams and sprint layout prepared by the PCB drawing there. Lay uzntıl pcb file and take a printout for the Sprint-Layout-Viewer can use the program
100W Hi Fi Amplifier Circuit