Roland DG CMU-800 Midi Modification PIC16F876

| July 15, 2023 Updated
Roland DG CMU-800 Midi Modification PIC16F876

Roland DG CMU-800 SYNTH Drum midi device midi controller for the property prepared by 16f876 microcontroller circuit Taking into account the built-in console, PIC16F876 using a simple configuration was possible. MIDIPICUSART Once he is in the MIDI signal optocouplers, PIC’s USART receive function. PICPORTADIN SYNCLED—PORTBCMU-800—PORTC PIC is the PORTA DIN SYNC output and LED indicator, PORTB the CMU-800 data bus, PORTC is used to control address bus.

Roland Midi Modification

roland-cmu800-midi-150x150 amdek_roland_cmu800_midi_kit-150x150

# Simple and low cost.
# MIDI-KIT, and built entirely on the body, possible modifications to the lower body.
# MIDI in 1 ~ 8ch the CV, GATE of the match in 1 ~ 8ch.
# MIDI instrument’s built-in 1 ~ 6ch melody, based on the code (sound) to be supported.
# Rhythm instrument MIDI10ch, GM to use the map.
# TEMPO KONTORU the CMU-800 is not used.
# TR-808 and MC-4 to control the subject, DIN SYNC output set.(MIDI clock synchronization timing)

Demo [mp3][/mp3]

Source: Roland DG CMU-800 Midi Modification PIC16F876 pic assembly source code schematic alternative link:

Roland DG CMU-800 Midi Modification PIC16F876


Published: 2009/01/18 Tags: , ,

1 Comment “Roland DG CMU-800 Midi Modification PIC16F876

  1. Electronics CircuitsElectronics Circuits

    12V to 24V Step-up DC DC Converter Circuit LM2588ADJ

    DC DC Converter circuit Input voltage 12v output adjustable from 12 to 24 volt 5 amp has power coils used 50μh 5 amps

    Notebook PC grounds 12V battery power to DC 16V in order to get the inverter, Pseudo-AC100V trouble and notes into a PC’s power supply DC 16V in making a very efficient, low, large-boost DC-DC converters, tried to create. This Step-up DC-DC converter circuits, the LM2588ADJ regulator of IC used. In this circuit, the input, DC 12V, DC 12 ~ 24V output was. Schematic is as shown below.


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