First of all, the circuit is quite complicated 🙂 I think that people with professional design experience can handle the task, but some parts of the circuit diagram and the source code written in C language may be useful for different projects.
Built on the sine wave inverter circuit PIC16F876, all floors are separately specified in the circuit diagram for current detection, voltage detection, supply, etc. A good resource on microcontroller and power electronics, especially on high voltage. Mosfets are driven by TLP250 for current detection, battery measurement, etc. It may be useful for you in different projects.
Circuit diagram, spares list c and Schematic Capture file (hex codes and Altium Designer.SchDoc):
Åžifre-Pass: 320volt.com
Published: 2010/05/14 Tags: microchip projects, microcontroller projects, pic16f876 projects
Electronic Door Chime Circuit Gong Sound with SAB0600
In this article SAB0600 of SIEMENS produces integrated circuits made ​​with electronic gong will tell. SAB0600 integrated 8-pin, 3 times a gong sound that is integrated.
Integrated circuits are created with few elements that connect the outside. 22K potentiometer to set the tone of the gong sounds. 8 ohm speakers for audio output of the circuit is used. Each press of the button triple gong will sound from the speaker.
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pass: 320volt.com
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Hi, password: 320volt.com
Note: If you have problems opening the file, download the winrar https://www.rarlab.com/download.htm