Digital power supply circuit with microcontroller pic16f873p conducted and current sensing, power transistors (tip142) is used in the control LM324 op amp. LCD display showing information on the current and voltage source project pic code (asm, hex) and with eagle pcb files have drawn diagrams. For boxing writers have used an old AT power supply box.
PIC16F873 PICmicro Dijital Power Supply
Laboratory electronics may be missing a source of power with which all our projects and developments, here we have a variable Source 0-25V 2.5 A microcontroller power supply digital
Source: Digital Power Supply Circuit pcb PIC16F873 pic assembly source code alternative link:
Published: 2008/05/10 Tags: microchip projects, microcontroller projects, pic assembly example
Unipolar and Bipolar Motor Driver Circuits L298 L297
This is a Unipolar Driver controlled flow until 4A 35V, allows us to control engines 5, 6 or 8 wires in unipolar configuration. Al igual que en el driver bipolar de 2A se As in the driver bipolar 2A uses the integrated L297 which interprets the signals from the interface and controls Mosfet IRLZ24N that have been used in the phase of power. To use the current control that integrates the L297 is necessary to add some NAND gates between the signals coming out of the L297 and the gates of skunks, thereby increasing the PWM signal that regulates the flow provided by the L297 to interference from the gates Nanda interrupt the signals that go to each mosfet generating asíi the choping in the coils of the engine
L297 Mosfet Motor driver circuit 4Amp