In this project, I PIC16F84A microcontroller PORTB bits to 0 (RB0) LED (light emitting diode) is connected. In the project, this LED is extinguished and burned at intervals of 250 milliseconds. was operated with a 4MHz crystal microcontroller. RB0 port (pin 6) is connected to a resistor and an LED.
PIC16F84 LED Blink Schematic
PIC16F84 LED Blink Code
/*-------------------------------------------------------------------- * * LED Blink PIC-C * =========================== * * Yazan: Dogan Ibrahim * Tarih: Mart 2003 * Dosya: PROJE1.C *-------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include <pic.h> #include <delay.c> main(void) { TRISB = 0; // PORTB bits do outputs for(;;) //continuous loop { RB0 = 0; // LED OFF DelayMs(250); //250ms wait RB0 = 1; //LED ON DelayMs(250); //250ms wait } }
Source: http://www.yayinevi.bilesim.com.tr/images/PROJE5-1.doc
Published: 2008/07/22 Tags: led projects, microchip projects, microcontroller projects, pic16f84 projects, simple circuit projects
0-30V 0-20A Adjustable Switch Mode Power Supply SG3525 SMPS
SMPS for people dealing with issues, especially in high power and adjustable voltage current transformer in the power stages of a circuit that can be imitated EF16-V1, ETD49, EI48 used core also V-A Display circuit voltage circuit icl7107 based on current indicators