Especially RC model, model to the application type has been designed motor control circuits printed circuit sizes too small … different a few versions all there in the PIC12C509 mükrodenetleyic used PIC12C509 output is usually IRL high-power series MOSFETs are the source asm code given pcb files dwg, dxf format ..
Source: maczaka.webz.cz/regulator_s_pic_12c509_psani.htm alternative link:
FILE DOWNLOAD LINK LIST (in TXT format): LINKS-18892.zip
Published: 2012/05/16 Tags: microchip projects, microcontroller projects, motor control circuit, motor driver circuit, pwm circuits
Simple FM Transmitter Circuit 88-108 MHz
I’ve shared this with a simple fm transmitter circuit, this circuit has been pretty nice drawing layout of printed circuit boards used in antenna pcb antenna, or normal tape prepared by drawing on over 5.10 cm can be achieved better results by attaching the wire ring. L1 on a pencil on the winding circuit 6 laps a coil that is set between 2-22pf capacitors (trimer) you can set the frequency of the publication. The circuit works with 9 volts.