@ Recep my brother “in the air with PIC16F84 Text” air time applications like the pic of the project, etc. Atmel. There also different circuits made with microcontrollers with PicBasic assembly software applications made available in digital numbers and analog views of the LEDs made with a lot of PIC16F84, PIC16F628 based on
Propeller Clock Projects Examples
Propeller Clock schematic circuits source code files :
Propeller Clock Circuits Archive dw link
Şifre-Pass: 320volt.com
Published: 2009/06/05 Tags: microchip projects, microcontroller projects, pic16f628 projects, pic16f84 projects
10Hz to 100kHz Analog Signal Generator Circuit TL084 Opamp
JFET-input opamp circuit tl084 with commutator segment based on frequency selection you want you want done with potency
Signal and tone generators circuit for Testing and adjustments of audio and Measuring instruments particularly important aids and belong to the basic equipment of a Hobby laboratories. With respect to the waveform are often high demands on provided a sine generator, with the simple function generators not must be met. The here presented, with little effort your circuit works as “True” sine wave generator and provides very low distortion. The THD of at 400 Hz and kHz.