Peltier Thermoelectric Cooler Is how it works with 12-Volt Feed information and 50W Peltier Mini Fridge built on the lcd display after the ATmega8 microcontroller from a more advanced peltier control circuit. The value can be determined, the refrigeration circuit can be adjusted to the heat to start the PWM information, 2 × 16 lcd display is seen over the ds18s20 sensor with temperature measurement has been made.
Author on ebay that I bought used with mosfet PWM method via 136W peltier of peltier is being checked.
Source: svetelektro.com/clanky/autochladnicka-s-peltierovym-clankom-489.html alternative link:
FILE DOWNLOAD LINK LIST (in TXT format): LINKS-19042.zip
Published: 2012/06/09 Tags: atmega8 projects, avr project, microcontroller projects, pwm circuits
12V 100W Lamp With Magnifier Lens Disco Effect System
Disco effects of the system control circuit PIC16F628 on board but the basic parts 12 volt 100 watt lamp and a magnifying lens (one in the header extend more than you;)) PIC16F628 with stepper motor is controlled certain speed and direction of the motor rotation is provided motor connected to the end that colored round piece 12v 100w lamp light is reflected light returning from the magnifying lens magnification, as seen in the video processing creates a beautiful image.