Nokia3510i (Epson S1D15G14) PIC16f628 interface written in Hi-tech C Epson S1D15G14 Nokia 3510 uses integrated graphics LCDs prepared for use in a circuit design software Hi-tech C and the prepared pic 16F628 microcontroller
PIC16F628 S1D15G14
Source:” PIC16F628 Nokia 3510I interface S1D15G14 Alternative link:
PIC16F628 Nokia 3510I interface S1D15G14 Hi-tech C
Published: 2009/10/16 Tags: hi tech c examples, microchip projects, microcontroller projects, pic16f628 projects
PIC16F84A Application with a Simple Melody Circuit
Melodi devre çok basit kullanılan denetleyici 16f84 farklı serilerde kullanılabilir ayrıca nota tablosu farklı melodiler oluşturmak için işinize yarayabilir. PIC Programlamaya yeni başlayan kişiler için iyi bir örnek.
PIC and I took those instructions in a program for converting 16F84. From this and ‘born the following project that generates a nice and famous melody lasting more than one minute (reset the PIC to restart it). In the scheme have been omitted power connections that are overtones.
PIC16F84A Simple Melody