An interesting circuit transformer core DC12 volts to DC24 volts dc upgrades have been made obsolete n555 number 3 connected to the output end 2sj302 MOSFETs with opto-up Kubla circuit charging source is being used to supply power can give 1.5 to 2 amps
In response to the output diode by399 can use 4N25 opto
24V to 12V DC DC Converter Schematic
Published: 2009/02/02 Tags: 555 timer circuits, dc dc converter circuit, power electronic projects
Simple Solar Panel, Solar Power Project LM2585 DC DC Converters
Low-power to run a variety of devices lm2585-adj made with simple solar power system 6V dc converter 15v can be useful
Using the LM2585 (NationalSemiconducter), I tried to assemble this time. I’ve lost my output to 15V/400mA. Input at this time, in a reasonable 73 percent conversion efficiency in 6.8V/1.2A. Referring to the documents of the company, was, R2 = 4.7K R1 = 56K circuit but I guess good in R1 = 47K and to lower a little more. .
Solar Power LM2585DC DC Converter