Marshall jcm800 emulation circuit can control preamp, treble, mid, bass, master, and volume. The circuit works with a 9 volt battery, j201 jfet mosfets are used in the control stage, I often come across this transistor in many guitar effect sound control circuits, its characteristics are very good, if it cannot be found in the market, be careful that the datasheet values of the equivalent are not very different
There are layout plans (2 versions) and pcb drawings for the circuit.
Source: http://206.cocolog-nifty.com/rendezvous/
Published: 2011/08/04 Tags: audio control circuits
Microchip PIC Bluetooth Communication RN-41
Microchip PIC series microcontroller and Bluetooth module of the communication prepared for a sample module circuit eagle prepared by the PCB files and C programming examples are also over the mobile phone led, motor, etc. .. control trial circuit controls made.