Transistor Equivalent Component Database Program

| July 13, 2023 Updated
Transistor Equivalent Component Database Program

Component Response Table Version 1.0 The program has a lot of transistor equivalents in the database. The good thing is that you can edit the database as you want, you can add new Components if you want, you can edit the existing information or you can use it for different works. The program has a very simple interface, it does not require installation, searching for the Component code you will find. box and click the Search button, the answers are displayed.


Let’s talk about the database, it’s a format we all know, txt, all the information is in the first line of the crossref.txt file, the searched material and the other lines contain 19279 data. , integrated etc. add voltage current pin info etc. it’s up to you then make the crossref.txt file Read Only. author Tayfun ÖLMEZ


In addition, there is the Microsoft Office Access Database file, transistor data base_97.mdb, which has 46125 transistor information, I think, it works with advanced versions prepared with Access 97, it provides full information rich in information and visuals main information (Medium Power, General Purpose) current voltage europe america japanese provisions cover information etc. It can be a sample database application even if you are not interested in electronics.

Bipolar Transistors Database



Transistor databook compensation programs, DataBase All Files:

Transistor Equivalent Component Database Program dw link


Published: 2008/10/02 Tags:

1 Comment “Transistor Equivalent Component Database Program

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