KA2281 previously with various vu meter circuit I made , but all mono circuit stereo manufacturer has two channels has been a challenge but in the end a bit of trouble in the scheme worked beautifully 🙂
Original diagram 15, 16 pins between the 50k resistor connected in this way the circuit full does not work for an additional 15 numbered pin- 56k resistor 2 to pin connects seamlessly with all channels running ka2281 outputs 560 ohm resistor on the LED connecting optional 470 ohms can be used but lower values of the LEDs more disrupt the flow can lead to integrated pull . Mp4 audio inputs with 12v circuit works , cd player, pc etc. . resources , such as low power amp can be connected directly connected to the output does not
KA2281 gives mono output for the 10 LEDs 20 LEDs hooked ikşerl was fine ring-shaped LED placement sequencing also be mounted on a panel with the template I gave much better results if you give
Working VU Meter circuit KA2281 video ;
sprint layout pcb files :
Password: 320volt.com
LM358 Mosfet 15A Solar Regulator Circuit
Solar regulator circuit power 15 amp circuit LM358 op amp based on the integrated output RFP30P05 (30 amp 50 volt) MOSFETs kullanılmışpiyasa the transaxle I do not know, but P-Channel appropriate MOSFETs available battery charge voltage 14.4v set to have been 5k trimpot these values are edited.
Solar panels are connected in series in shock diodes (Schottky MBA 1645) is saying you can not find in your area can be found in the PC power supply 5V output