ISD2560 to directly control the PIC16F84A, audio recordings and multiple block will be able to play. LSI can be driven directly speakers also, in view of the lack of volume, only added to the amplifier IC. This volume 10 minutes to drive the speakers. One LSI chip for voice recording playback “ISD2560” using a simple audio recording and playback unit prototype it
ISD2560 is playing this voice recording, in the same basic configuration, the sampling frequency, Divided into the following series. The use of the series in the most wide-frequency band; Instead of recording time limited to 60 seconds.
PIC16F84 ISD2560 Voice Recording Project Schematic
The above configuration, PIC16F84 controlled CCS C program written in C language ISD2560 directly as a result. LSI around as a standard configuration, so as MDS. Address the problem of how to control, but trying to control all the bits and 10 bits will be necessary in the event. Therefore, a control unit 64 and the lower six bits is 0 and leave it. This control is not only necessary to address the 4-bit, and easy configuration. Eventually 6.4 × 19 seconds blocks can be controlled. From the PIC, as well as switch addresses can be specified in order to make it possible to switch. The switch is using 4-bit DIP switch.
ISD2560 Voice Recording Playback schematic pcb PIC16F84 code files download:
FILE DOWNLOAD LINK LIST (in TXT format): LINKS-25290.zip
Published: 2014/07/03 Tags: ccs c examples, microchip projects, microcontroller projects, pic16f84 projects
Laboratory Power Source LM338 0-30V 30A MJ15004
Given that quite actively interested in the construction of power supplies power amplifiers, as well as for the design of switching and linear power, so I embarked on the design and subsequent construction of a linear power supply with parameters advising the construction of the category of “laboratory”, mainly due to the scope of regulation voltage range of 0V – 30 (35V), the maximum allowable current consumption 30A, which can additionally select sampling voltage directly from the source, when no load current not limited to the boundaries 30A (internally structurally restricted) and remove the voltage across the current-limiting fuse with a current in the range of 15 mA – 20A (30A). These parameters show of excellent noise suppression, very small ripple output voltage and output voltage stability. Source is also able to work with large output currents even if you set the minimum output voltage, due to the proposed election voltage transformer in cooperation with komparačním 15V/30V circuit. LM338
ISD2560 die Wiedergabe der Tonaufnahme Projekt PIC16F84 Gesteuert
ISD2560 direkte Kontrolle der PIC16F84A, audio-Aufnahmen und mehrere block wird in der Lage sein zu spielen. LSI kann direkt angetrieben, Lautsprecher auch im Hinblick auf die fehlende Volumen, nur Hinzugefügt, um den Verstärker IC. Dieses volumen 10 Minuten zum Antrieb der Lautsprecher. Ein LSI-chip für die Wiedergabe der Tonaufnahme “ISD2560” mit einem einfachen audio Aufnahme und Wiedergabe Gerät Prototyp, es
ISD2560 spielt sich dieser voice-Aufnahme, in der gleichen Basis-Konfiguration, die sampling-Frequenz, Unterteilt in die folgenden Serien. Der Einsatz der Serie in der die meisten breit-Frequenzband; Statt Aufnahmezeit, maximal 60 Sekunden.