AV800 800W Power Amplifier Circuit Mosfet IRFP9240 IRFP240

| July 7, 2023 Updated
AV800 800W Power Amplifier Circuit Mosfet IRFP9240 IRFP240

The cost is high ๐Ÿ™‚ output stage 14 (IRFP240 IRFP9240) Total Supply voltage MOSFETs used quite high +92 V-92V Be Careful

The 800 Watt AV amplifier is based on My 1kw Amplifier and shares the same topology and basic PCB layout. The only real difference is the number of Output devices that the unit uses.

The 1kw design has 20 O/P devices, while the AV amplifier has 14 O/P devices. This amplifier can be used for practically any application that requires High power, low noise, distortion and excellent sound. Examples would be Sub-woofer amp, FOH stage amplifier, one channel of a very high-powered surround sound amplifier etc.

The AV amplifier has four main stages of amplification. We will begin by looking at each stage in reasonable detail.




AV800 pcb 800W Power Amplifier Circuit schematic

AV800 800W Power Amplifier Circuit Mosfet IRFP9240 IRFP240

ลžifre-Pass: 320volt.com

Published: 2008/03/24 Tags: ,

1 Comment “AV800 800W Power Amplifier Circuit Mosfet IRFP9240 IRFP240

  1. Electronics CircuitsElectronics Circuits

    20W Hi Fi Amplifier Circuit with LM1875

    According to the standard scheme for LM1875 beautiful design pcb design will certainly give better quality sound extremely simple understandable way ๐Ÿ™‚

    Frequency Response: 14 Hz to 100kHz Harmonic Distortion: “0.04% SNR: 105 dB Rated output power: 20 W

    LM1875 Integrated Circuit use the computer without connecting to the Cooler cooler can use in power supply

    LM1875 Amplifier schematic


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