There are various simple, easy-made guitar effects circuit diagram pcb completed and completed the majority of applications, especially in cases where there’s photos simple wiring diagrams makes your job easier;)
Range Treble Booster guitar effects
Just as his role model is minimalist, and he works with a PNP germanium transistor. As a contrast to his role model is the range with negative mass leadership, which use the same network as part effect for other devices. A rocker switch on the election of the phonetically, it is also versatile.
The plus guitar effects
The plus is a distortion on the basis of the good old MXR Distotion +.Compared with the original, he has some improvements
AB switch guitar effects
AB switch directs a signal on two different outputs.This could for example be used to signal a guitar effect in two different ways to turn.
Two times true bypass pedal
With the True double bypass two effects loop running.This can easily two or more units without effect True Bypass and effects in the running.
A-B-Y switch
With the A-B-Y switch can be either a signal to 2 individual outputs switch (AB), or 2 outputs simultaneously set (Y).The first counter ( “A / B”) switches between the outputs A and B, the second switch (Y), the input signal to both outputs.
With the changeover can be the order of two effects devices or even two sets of equipment into reverse.Tremolo in Distortion oder Distortion ins Tremolo,Once, after a loop the loop,This can vary sounds very good, for example tremolo distortion or distortion in the tremolo, the differences are clearly audible. Of course there are also interesting effects on other variants!
The ruler
The ruler is a neutral booster based on the Electro Harmonix Linear Power Booster.It serves to increase the volume without significant sound coloring.
The Bender
The Bender is a descendant of the widely known Tonbender family. Wie sein Vorbild hat er eine positive Like his role model, he has a positive collective leadership, which means that it is only with an extra power supply, the only other devices with positive ground are allowed to operate.Battery operation is also possible.The polarity of the power supply needs to be modified + is on the DC plug and then inside – outside.
True bypass pedal
With the “true bypass effect can be a single-loop running.This can easily find one or more units without effect True Bypass and effects in the running.
Volume Switch
With the volume switch can be divided into two volumes at the touch of a button abrufbereit. In normal condition is the signal lLaut unaffected, the Poti to running the sound quieter.Off the signal thanks to True bypass unaffected.
A-B-C switch
With the A-B-C switch can be a signal on three different outputs switch.Umgekejrt can, of course, three signals on a starting switch. The first switch (A) switches between the outputs A and A / B, the second switch (B / C) switches between B and C.
The Screamer
The Screamer is a project for two classic Drives Over the TS9 and the TS-808, supplemented by a switch for symmetrical or asymmetrical clipping diodes. TS-808 and TS-9 differ only by two resistors, what sounds better, of course, as always, a matter of taste
The Face – fuzz germanium
The Fuzz Face is one of the effects devices classics.This variant is equipped with two germanium transistors. As this fuzz with a positive mass works, it can not effect with other devices (mostly negative ground) to a power supply operation.
The fuzz Face – Silicon
The Face is one of the effects devices classics. This variant is equipped with two Silzium transistors, and can be mass leadership thanks negative effect with other devices to a power supply.
Guitar Effects, Pedal, Bypass Circuits all files
Published: 2008/05/19 Tags: audio control circuits
Control of Satellite Antenna with PIC16F877
the dual-axis rotors control interface . Here is a low cost automatic antenna rotor controller specifically developed for amateur radio satellite tracking operations. This rotor control interface is quite simple to construct. The circuit consists only one PIC 16F877 microcontroller IC and a few transistor drivers. Please take a moment and look around. You might find something useful !
Satellite tracking is done most commonly on a computer with a satellite tracking software. The FODtrack ( by XQ2FOD ) software, which I am experimenting with this control interface, is available for download at It uses serial ( COM ) port ( baud 1200 ) on your PC to drive the external azimuth and elevation rotors to position the antenna via the interface described here. The data format of the GS-232 output command from the COM port