MAX465, MAXIM. In order to produce the first component video switch, once considered MAX465 Unfortunately, in the electronic market is not found, MAXIM made on the sample application. EL4332,MAX465,. After more than three weeks, were a surprise. During this period, however, I have chosen the EL4332 component video switch as the core, but has received only a MAX465, and so they put it aside temporarily.
MAX465,MAX465 VGA. When I completed a component video switch, Looking back at how to use this piece of MAX465, think of this, I can make a MAX465 VGA-sharing. PC,VGA SwitchLCD. I have two PC at home, through a mechanical VGA Switch shared an LCD monitors.
Analog VGA Switch test
MAX465 Digital VGA Switch Test
Source: hyper.sunjapan.com.cn Dijital VGA Switch MAX465 Circuit alternative link:
Şifre-Pass: 320volt.com
Published: 2008/03/17 Tags: analog circuits projects
Remote Digital Video Selector with PIC16F628 CCS C
Three-way component video input, component video output way Three-way fiber-optic digital input, optical fiber all the way digital / coaxial output Infrared Remote Control LCD (,Cool,) LCD status display (this function is not necessary, but taking into account comparative Cool, they still want to achieve his) Video Selector,EL4332 Three-way component video function is relatively simple, the way in Video Selector has been achieved, but an increase is the EL4332 can be. 4-TTL,,74HC 4 three-way fiber-optic digital input – the principle of fiber-optic digital input is actually very simple with standard TTL circuits can be achieved, but to use high-speed models, I chose 74 HC series chips.
PIC16F628 CCS C Video Selector