Category Archive: Electronics Projects

Electronic plans news for electronic hobbyist or engineers. Free electronic schematics (circuits) electronic blog site. Electronic content post and more..

Backup Power Supply Circuit Auto Charger Li-Polymer Li-ion Battery

| 2012/01/30

While engaged in electric power cut-off when charging circuits have two pieces one 14.4v battery charger is not charging current to 500mA of charge vıltaj 4AH, suitable for 7AH battery. Other circuits are also doing the same job but li ion or lithium-polymer batteries designed to charge LiPo 4.2V or 8.4V charge voltage can be…

600ma Current Limiting Circuit 12V 5V IRF9530

| 2012/01/26

The current limiting circuit shown in the diagram , especially as the drive power LED driver , this circuit can be used … Easy to use and inexpensive , keeping a constant level of output current regulator prevents damage . When a problem occurs on the transistor T1 circuit on the power consumption would be…

Development Circuit STM32F103RBT6 QFP64

| 2012/01/26

STM32 Arm projects, you can use the dimensions of the printed circuit card a useful development circuit is quite small and single-sided snow on the USB I2c links to reset the input outputs RS232 SWD, etc, you have to boot the buttons have a circuit diagram and pcb artwork in addition to the picture format…

Microphone Input 4 Channel Mixer Amplified Circuit

| 2012/01/26

Mixer circuit 2 x microphone input and audio input 4. It’s a good thing the printed circuit layout easier to use with the optional sürügülü potentiometers normal potentiometer can also be used, but in this case is made or additional cable with additional pcb is prepared. Mixer circuit direct op amp can be connected to…

Servo Motor Control 74HCT240 With Simple Bug Robot

| 2012/01/26

bug robot in the robot’s body outside the structure looks simple but cute main ingredients 1 PCs 1 PCs 74HCT240 IC and servo motor, the rest is looking so good, how much labor a work of care. 4 pieces of 1 .5V batteries in series to run the robot by connecting (6v) used. No battery…

Regulated Power Supply 0-30 Volt 0-5A 2N3772 TL082

| 2012/01/26

Elektor the number given in the magazine’s old modified version of the adjustable power supply circuit .. 0 0 5 between 30v voltage and current settings can be made. Control solid TL082 op amp used in the output stage has the power transistor 2N3772 60 volts 30 amps. In addition, the circuit’s voltage and amperage…

64 Led Propeller Effect Circuit ATmega8

| 2012/01/26

Led effect circuit 64 leds LEDs on the printed circuit board disposed in the impeller has a very different effect. A plurality of circuit components used SMD type. Effects displacement, velocity pcb solder buttons mounted face. Source code for the project and provided drawings eagle pcb diagram. Source: FILE DOWNLOAD LINK LIST (in TXT…

High Power PWM Circuit 555 Mosfet

| 2012/01/23

In the diagram you can see the circuit, which integrates popular NE555 is used. This integrated using the PWM of a DC motor and / or a lamp is driven by PWM pulses. Together with the engine, the purpose of the lamp using the N-channel MOSFET is from obtaining a strong output. Of course it…

Led Flasher Circuit 180 Led 555

| 2012/01/22

Led flash circuit 180 leds optionally control solid canceled and the only lighting available in LEDs for current limiting made ​​printed circuit board layout beautiful circuit has two positions, if desired NE555 floor can be adjusted with the LEDs flashing (together) are provided or LM358 times the audio input flashing making offers. Pcb circuit layout…

Information Labels for Atmel AVR Microcontroller

| 2012/01/22

The AVR-based project will facilitate your work in a simple but useful is the author of the popular avr microcontrollers with a knack for pin input, output, etc. is written label templates made of DIP used on pasting so integrated into the sheath connection error such as it’s hard to be more States also are…