My brother Hasan is an old project of two channels 300w and 500w versions. Pre-shared 500W 250W Hi-Fi Transistor Amplifier Circuits and SG3525 EI33 ATX 200-600w DC-DC Converter for auto amplifier projects
Output power transistors of the Amplifier Circuits 2SC5200, 2SA1943 DC DC converter floor SG3525 pwm control integration is used. EI33 transformers are used directly without rewinding EI33 transformers taken from PC power sources.
There are source PCB drawings of 2X300W and 500W mono amp circuits prepared with proteus ares. Electronic component values used in the circuits write on the PCB. Amplifier and DC DC converter solid can be easily separated PCB drawing is organized. You can only use the amplifier or DC DC converter stage. You should cover high current voltage lines with plenty of soldering.
FILE DOWNLOAD LINK LIST (in TXT format): LINKS-27141a.zip
Published: 2020/07/03 Tags: audio amplifier circuits, dc dc converter circuit, sg3525 circuit
How to build a transformer for this voltage converter.
Thank you