MP4, MP3 Player, Mobile phones, various devices can be charged from a computer’s USB port charger adapter also in these devices usually designed according to standard USB cable and PC with a single USB connection cable from the charging adapter can be made. Made in China mp4 player I’ve studied for use in a very simple charger has a charging circuit.
Charger adapter is pretty simple 5-volt output that roughly consists of two parts of the SMPS section and charging control section
Made in China Li-ion Charger Circuit Diagram
Circuit of the SMPS section 5 volt output is given secondaries In the control section a simple one-transistor (S9015) circuit with a 3.7-volt Li-ion battery charging circuit the red LED glows steady green LED battery connection is established on when the battery is full after flashing a few models I’ve studied the control section the same count differences rechargeable battery current by the SMPS power and R1 resistance value of 180 .250 ma li-ion battery for 5.6Ω 480 .680 mA battery for 1.5Ω 2.7Ω saw being used SMPS part which is defective charger adapter control portion outside the 5-volt source and the I tested worked fine for charging circuit has an mp4 player
If the battery player, or other device in the charging If so a direct connect the battery going second circuit D1 and C1 elements add the cause of the player in the circuit adapter input + section of these elements is not the charger is connected directly + battery does not reach the player in the circuit of these elements over the charging process is going on.
BC547 NPN transistor is an application for mobile phones charger is carried out with
source: http://www.pablox.cq.sk/Elektrotechnika/Liion/Liion.htm
Published: 2008/02/20 Tags: battery charger circuit, power electronic projects, simple circuit projects
SG3525 EI33 200w-600w ATX DC DC Converters Circuits
@ Tahir brother’s a nice project, pc power supply transformer carried out with a 12 volt input voltage of 2 × 55 .90 volts + – symmetric voltage is turning circuit sg3525 PWM control IC used this SMPS circuit in your car, you want to use with high voltage running amp power supply is ideal for even transformer winding never have to worry 🙂
Caution: Be careful of the circuit output voltage is high, you must take the necessary measures
There are two versions of Project 200 watts and 600 watts for dual 600w power supply disconnected from two computers using the EI33 transformer and MOSFET (IRFP064N) 4 used
Einfache USB-Ladeschaltung
MP4, MP3-Player, Mobiltelefone, verschiedene Geräte können über den USB-Port-Ladeadapter eines Computers aufgeladen werden. Auch bei diesen Geräten können in der Regel Standard-USB-Kabel verwendet und PCs mit einem USB-Verbindungskabel aus dem Ladeadapter hergestellt werden. Der in China hergestellte MP3-Player, den ich für die Verwendung in einem sehr einfachen Ladegerät untersucht habe, verfügt über eine Ladeschaltung.
Der Ladeadapter ist ein ziemlich einfacher 5-Volt-Ausgang, der ungefähr aus zwei Teilen des SMPS-Abschnitts und des Ladesteuerungsabschnitts besteht
Made in China Li-Ion-Ladegerät Schaltplan