AVR microcontrollers are most commonly used for AVR-ISP MKII programmer programming with serial interface ISP. They are cheap and uncomplicated. However, these programmers have lost their versatility because Atmel has introduced new microcontrollers, programmed with PDI and TPI interfaces. The programmer presented in the article is universal, it will be useful to both older and newer AVRs.
This programmer is compatible with AVR-ISP mk.II and allows programming of all 8-bit AVR microcontrollers via ISP, PDI and TPI interfaces. It works with the latest version of AVR Studio (which can be downloaded for free from the AVR website), ImageCraft and Codevision AVR compilers.
Its heart is the AT90USB162 microcontroller clocked with a 16 MHz quartz resonator X1. The programmer power is downloaded from the USB connector of the PC. The USB interface can also be powered by a programmable circuit, which enables the jumper JP1.
List of AVR microcontrollers depending on the type of programming interface
On the output side, the AVR-ISP MKII programmer has a special buffer by which it is possible to program microcontrollers fed with different voltages, whereby the programmable microcontroller can be energized by the programmer or the voltage of the programmed system. Choosing the supply voltage enables the jumper. The programmer communicates with the computer using the USB interface. The computer can run under Windows XP, Vista, 7.
AVR-ISP MKII schematic diagram
AVR-ISP MKII list of avr microcontrollers
FILE DOWNLOAD LINK LIST (in TXT format): LINKS-26170.zip
Published: 2019/07/09 Tags: avr project, programmer circuit
TAS5630B 300W Class D Amplifier Circuit
TAS5630B 300W Class D Amplifier Circuit
The core of the whole amplifier circuit is the TAS5630B one connection is based on modified the recommended BTL mode stereo input, which is listed by the manufacturer in Selection of the final chip involvement consisted of four different modes, of the optional input pins M1 to M3:
TAS5630B 2 x BTL – two separate channels (full bridge connection, power up to 2x300W)
TAS5630B 1 x PBTL – the only channel in bridging (parallel output up to 1x400W)
TAS5630B 4 x – four separate channels (performance 4x145W to 2? Or 4x75W into 4?)
TAS5630B 1 x BTL + 2 x SE – two channels involved in half the bridge (SE) and one channel to full bridge (BTL), suitable, for example, for 2.1 speakers. Selected was mode 2 x BTL, I mean the classic stereo modes,
TAS5630B from which it can be seen that the input the signal is transferred to the pins of INPUT_A to D, which then goes into the filter slucky. In this block processes the input signal together with the signal from the feedback then progressing through the analog multiplexer to the analog comparator, where PWM modulation occurs by comparing the input signal and the signal from the oscillator, which is known from the theory of the D-class block of the PWM receiver Process the PWM signal and oversees its parameters through the feedback of the slug through the detector the activities of PWM.
Circuit de programmation AVR-ISP MKII
Les microcontrôleurs AVR sont les plus couramment utilisés pour la programmation du programmeur AVR-ISP MKII avec l’interface série ISP. Ils sont bon marché et simples. Cependant, ces programmeurs ont perdu leur polyvalence car Atmel a introduit de nouveaux microcontrôleurs, programmés avec des interfaces PDI et TPI. Le programmeur présenté dans l’article est universel, il sera utile aux AVR plus anciens et plus récents.
Ce programmateur est compatible avec AVR-ISP mk.II et permet la programmation de tous les microcontrôleurs AVR 8 bits via les interfaces ISP, PDI et TPI. Il fonctionne avec la dernière version d’AVR Studio (téléchargeable gratuitement sur le site Web d’AVR), les compilateurs ImageCraft et Codevision AVR.
Son cœur est le microcontrôleur AT90USB162 cadencé avec un résonateur à quartz 16 MHz X1. L’alimentation du programmateur est téléchargée à partir du connecteur USB du PC. L’interface USB peut également être alimentée par un circuit programmable, qui active le cavalier JP1.
Liste des microcontrôleurs AVR selon le type d’interface de programmation