Author Archives: Robotik

Unipolar Stepper Motor Control Circuit with PIC16F877

| 2011/02/13

Hello friends, this article, unipolar stepper motor control circuit related work. The purpose of this circuit is connected to unpolar stepper motor I designed buttons, select the number of steps we determined the direction, speed, and with it a system that implements the step motor commands. Pic16f877 microcontroller circuit. When first working circuit stepper motor…

Robot Development Robot Control Board for your Robot Projects

| 2011/01/03

ROT-KON-1.0 is a general robot control board. Most of what we want with ROT-KON-1.0 robot is designed according to the project. ICSP connector on the program include throwing socket and bootloader. Also Aport male connector portion is connected sequence of sharp GP2D12/GP2D15 sensor is designed according to the sequence of the pin. B port is…

PIC16f877A DC Motor Control Circuit LCD Display

| 2011/01/02

2×16 LCD display DC motor control application was based on PIC16F877 microcontroller proteus isis for the project and source code files (ano_mtr.bas, ano_mtr.hex) are available. PIC16f877A DC Motor Control Circuit LCD Display project Motor Control Circuit Test DC Motor Control Circuit PIC16f877A project files

PIC16F877 Car Wiper Control Circuit

| 2010/06/04

In this article, a system used in cars which will give information on the wiper control. I made the second one PWM circuit simulation engine will run the servo motor and water spray relay is located. Circuit PIC16F877 microcontroller based on the engine version was used in the IRL530N MOSFETs. Wiper Control Circuit Buttons with…

Q-matic Circuit Application of PIC16F877 Microcontroller

| 2010/06/03

In this article I used in banks and hospitals will give information about the Q-matic s. I’ve done a routing circuit board (main board) and consists of three separate teller. Routing PIC16F877 on board, if the teller did not use pic16f876 in each. Teller as the officer may increase, decrease or can be reset. Every…