DC Servo motor driver circuit based on the microcontroller atmel atmega88 outputs half bridge driver IC Ir2184 is being used with this integrated works at a frequency of 16MHz DC servo Irf540 MOSFETs atmega88 drive circuit PCB design looks great eağle have the source schema and pcb drawings are prepared with atmega88 for non-source code projects usually granted the .hex dosyasıda do not share but this circuit can inspire very well designed hardware 😉
source: krazatchu.ca/2009/05/31/dc-servo-drive/ alternative link:
FILE DOWNLOAD LINK LIST (in TXT format): LINKS-21932.zip
Published: 2013/08/05 Tags: avr project, dc dc converter circuit, microcontroller projects, motor control circuit, motor driver circuit, pwm circuits
Amplifier Circuits 1W 2.5W TDA7052 LM386 LM380N
Low-power audio applications frequently used LM380N, crafted with LM386 amplifier circuits 3 TDA7052 amplifier circuit. the same for all the integrated master PCB prepared drawing seems a just some elements of the settlement changed by this different integrated circuits.
1W amplifier 2 .5W Amp circuits, standard power indicator led, power switch and dimming potentiometer input 6.3 mm jack plug. LM386: 5V–12V TDA7052: 5V. 12V LM380N: 9V …20V DC voltage.
Atmega88 IR2184 Motor Treiber Schaltung
DC-Servo motor-Treiber-Schaltung basiert auf dem microcontroller atmel atmega88-Ausgänge half bridge-Treiber-IC Ir2184 verwendet wird mit diesem integrierten arbeitet bei einer Frequenz von 16MHz DC servo Irf540 MOSFETs atmega88 drive-Schaltung PCB-design sieht toll aus eağle die Quelle schema-und pcb-Zeichnungen werden mit atmega88 für nicht-source-code-Projekte in der Regel erteilt .hex dosyasıda nicht teilen, aber diese Schaltung kann begeistern sehr gut gestaltete hardware