Li-ion battery charging circuit is a simple structure with a MOSFET and BJT transit are on the provider via USB can be fed or adapter operated, particularly printed circuit design and PCB plate prepared with the battery compartment’s very smart R7 and R8 resistors output voltage adjusts these resistors 1% tolerance to use it is very useful;) LEDs on the circuit goes off after the battery is full ..
Cell phone batteries, digital camera and so on. used to charge the batteries of many devices
Source: warmar2.w.interia.pl/art/ladowarka.html alternative link:
FILE DOWNLOAD LINK LIST (in TXT format): LINKS-18249.zip
Published: 2012/01/03 Tags: battery charger circuit, power electronic projects
High Power Switch Mode IGBT Supply UC3845 60V 40A
ery powerful SMPS power supply circuit, the source is doing warming cooking is used for 🙂 the overall system mesh is uc3845 integrated on the board, but business IGBTs STGW30NC60WD power transistors once you immense power gives the output voltage 3V … 60V between can be adjusted uc3845 supply tny267 made ​​with mike an SMPS taken out of the circuit for overcurrent protection current transformer has Usage ..