Power supply Circuit is very powerful and simple design has regulated for 6 TIP142 transistor used transistors fin cooler on the mounted 2 x 12v fan cooling provided transformers used output 17VAC will power the 350w DC rectifier solid 35 amps metal bridge diode is used filter capacitor for 11 in addition to used 4700uF 25v fan control node’s author in the circuit to operate using radio to power 22 could also constantly told .. A chart of 13.6V 22A power supply, pcb layout drawings there ..
source: lea.hamradio.si/~s55wt/Napajalnik%20S53MV.html alternative link:
FILE DOWNLOAD LINK LIST (in TXT format): LINKS-21006.zip
Published: 2013/01/16 Tags: power electronic projects, power supply circuit, power supply project
Quality Distortion Overdrive Effects Circuit
In particular guitar designed for use with distortion effects (or overdrive) circuit NE5532 op amp based on the on the circuit critical material not all of them found on the market also box, pcb printed circuit board design is very sleek been distortion circuit 9v battery works on the circuit Drive, Tone, Level Har-Soft Bypass settings can be made .. Distortion overdrive circuit chart of effects, PCB, box labels, etc. have a list of all drawings and materials prepared by the author … Finally, this circuit’s popular electronic magazines published in the country
Transistor Netzteil 13.6V 22 Ampere TIP142
Stromversorgung Schaltung ist sehr leistungsfähig und einfaches Design hat für 6 geregelt TIP142 Transistor verwendet Transistoren Fin Kühler auf dem montiert 2 x 12V Lüfter Kühlung zur Verfügung gestellt Transformatoren verwendet Ausgang 17VAC wird die Leistung der 350W Gleichrichter solid 35 Ampere Metall-Brücke Diode ist Filterkondensator für 11 verwendet zusätzlich zu verwendet 4700uF 25v Fan Control Node Autor in der Schaltung zu arbeiten mit Radio an die Macht 22 könnte auch ständig erzählt .. Ein Diagramm der 13.6V 22A Netzteil, Leiterplatten Layout Zeichnungen dort