128X64 GLCD Library Code Vision AVR, C18, CCS C.. Often used in many projects prepared for 128X64 GLCD library Code Vision AVR, for C18 and CCS C Compiler’s code and examples. MPLAB and Proteus isis samples prepared on applications in video work and changes made over the code’s images.
Source: micros-designs.com.ar alternative link:
FILE DOWNLOAD LINK LIST (in TXT format): LINKS-18044.zip
Published: 2011/12/04 Tags: microchip projects, microcontroller projects
Lipo Li-ion Battery Charger Circuit Balancing ATtiny26
Attiny26 microcontroller based on the charging circuit has a lot of features in a single package 3l 12.6V LiPo batteries and Li-ion batteries and battery charging voltage edebiliry balanslıy regulate temperature, timing, voltage and current controls there. Software source code prepared by the assembly of printed circuit boards insurance options, there are schema files.