“12 Volt 10 Watt Siren Circuit” in various shades with integrated UM3561 (police, ambulance, fire) 10w 12volt power supply and siren circuit
The integrated circuit’s supply 3 volts and 5 volts for the 3.3 volt zener regulated by supply made
The test tone siren circuit;
Siren circuit works with a 12 volt car alarm or warning home alarm systems suitable for applications in integrated circuit UM3561 can give 0.2W power transistors integrated with BC547 and IRF9540 power output 10w made to give enhanced
source: reber.si
UM3561A Three Siren Sound Generator
UM3561 is a low-cost, low-power CMOS LSI designed for use in alarm and toy applications. Since the integrated circuit includes oscillator and selector circuits, a compact sound module can be constructed with only a few additional components. The M3561 contains a programmed mask ROM to simulate siren sound.
Published: 2008/02/19 Tags: analog circuits projects, simple circuit projects
Speed Indicator Circuits Tachometer Atmel atmega8
Atmel ATmega series of projects have been realized with the speedometer and LCD display are the different indicators used circuits.
Display circuit used Used atmega8l-8P. Hex file and prepared by Proteus. Dns file there. The circuit has two different versions of LCD ATMega16 and used ATMEGA8515