battery charging circuit faster than makes charging and BUZ11 mosfet power through a high circuit .. Charging circuit CD4013 based on the PR1 10K Potent with the output voltage can be adjusted if the battery kept charged continuously if the 13.8V charge and directly used and still be charged if the 14.4v charge voltage recommend anyway which is standard in the ..
Source: http://serwis.avt.pl/manuals/AVT2715.pdf alternative link:
FILE DOWNLOAD LINK LIST (in TXT format): LINKS-19008.zip
Published: 2012/05/26 Tags: battery charger circuit, power electronic projects
400W Amplifier Circuits 2SC5200
I think it’s one of the cleanest I’ve ever shared 400w amplifier circuits. potentiometers for setting the current calm, etc., with no need to make critical areas should be on the same printed circuit board feeding times specified values in voltj power transistors, except with less material. Amplifier output power transistors used 8 2SC5200 working voltage 2x75v dc circuit, placement, assembly drawings and Bill of materials.