Mini sumo robotun tasarımı oldukca şık robot devresinde kullanılan mikrodenetleyici pic16f877, motor sürücü için l293d kullanılmş yazılım C dili ile hazırlanmış.
Mini densede çok detaylı tüm kaynakları ile paylaşılan bir Sumo robot projesi ayrıca robot yarışmasında büyük rakiplerini pist dışına atıyor 🙂
Sumo robot 2002 ve 2003 robot yarışmalarını birincilikle kazanmış daha önce 9v ile çalışan sistemini 12v ile çalıştırıp daha hızlı hale getirmişler ve arka uç saldırılarını önlemeye yardımcı olmak için arkaya bir açılır sahte beyaz çizgi eklenmiş.
Ayrıca, ön uç kaldırıldığında geriye doğru itilmesini önlemek için alt arka kısımda bir lastik fren balatası eklenmiş. Tekerlekler için Özel çelik jant, Lego lastiği, stok Lego tekerleği kullanılmış.
PIC16F877 robot kontrol, L293D motor sürücü ve IR sensör kartı delikli plakete kurularak Sumo robot şasesine yerleştirilmiş
PIC16F877 L293D Sumo Robot Devre Şeması
Boyutlar | 9.9cm(W) x 9.9cm(L) x 6.8cm(H) |
Ağırlık | 498 gr |
MCU | PIC16F877-20/SP with 16 MHZ Crystal 8K ROM 368 Byte RAM |
Programlama Language |
C |
Motor | 2 Lego 350 RPM 9 volt dişli motoru |
Motor sürücü chip |
L293D |
Hız kontrol | Yazılımsal PRM (Pulse Rate Modulaton) EMF geri besleme |
Lastikler | 2 adet 30.4 mm Lego Lastik |
Tekerlekler | Özel çelikten yapılmış |
Sürücü sistemi | Lego motor ve şaft |
Hız | 36 cm/sec |
Kuvveti | 450 grams (wheels spinning) |
Güç kaynağı | 2 adet 9 volt alkalin pil |
Motor akımı | 60mA crusing, 400 mA pushing |
Sensörler | Kenar tespiti için iki yansıtıcı kızılötesi sensör iki kanal aktif IR |
Telemetri | Dış verici için bağlantı Linx TXM-418-RM (9600 baud 418 MHZ) |
control.c yazılım içeriği;
/* Delta Force mini-sumo robot Control program Sept. 15 2001 by Dale Heatherington. http://www.wa4dsy.net/robot/deltaforce/index.html This code is a modified version of the ROBOR mini sumo robot control program. Some functions and variables may not be used. This program is compiled using the Linux shareware C2C compiler available at: http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Network/3656/ The output .asm code is assembled with the Linux freeware assembler gpasm avaiable at: http://gpasm.sourceforge.net ----------------------------------------------------------- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Be sure to set the configuration word to 3f72 when programming the chip It's done in the makefile */ #define FOSC 16000000 #pragma CLOCK_FREQ 16000000 #include "16f877.h" //#define TMR0DIV 256-(FOSC/(8000*16)) //Compiler will not do this math! //Divider constant for 8,000 interrupts per second //For 8000 interrupts/sec #define TMR0DIV 133 #define BAUD 9600 //#define BAUDDIV (FOSC/(BAUD*64)) - 1 #define BAUDDIV 26 /* these values written into ADCCON0 set the A-D channel mux address and converison clock to 1/32 osc. This makes a 32uS converson time*/ #define AD_0 0x81 /* ch 0 right front edge sensor*/ #define AD_1 0x89 /* ch 1 left front edge sensor*/ #define AD_RMFB 0x91 /* ch 2 Right motor feedback*/ #define AD_LMFB 0x99 /* ch 3 Left motor feedback*/ #define AD_4 0xa1 /* ch 4 Drive motor current 1v/amp*/ #define AD_5 0xa9 /* ch 5 IR recv pulse amplitude */ #define AD_6 0xb1 /* ch 6 unused */ #define AD_7 0xb9 /* ch 7 Battery voltage divided by 3 */ char tx_buf[34]@0x24; /* Tx serial port buffer */ char iavg[4]@0x20; /* Analog inputs */ char speed; char rmfb; char lmfb; //char mode; char right_speed,right_prm; char left_speed,left_prm; char bot_mode; char IR_sens; #define MODE_STOP 0 #define MODE_RUN 1 #define MODE_GOHOME 7 #define MODE_NULL 0xff #define REV0 0xf9 #define REV1 0xf6 #define REV2 0xf2 #define REV3 0xed #define REV4 0xe7 #define REV5 0xd8 #define FWD0 7 #define FWD1 10 #define FWD2 14 #define FWD3 19 #define FWD4 25 #define FWD5 40 char prescale; char timer; char prm_ctl; /* bits in prm_ctl */ #define R_fwd 0 #define L_fwd 1 //Port C bits #define R_EDGE_LED 0 /* Low true output turns on Right Front edge detect IR LED */ #define L_EDGE_LED 1 /* Low true output turns on Left Front edge detect IR LED */ //PORT D bits #define R_LED 0 /* Low true output turns on Right Red indicator LED */ #define M_LED 1 /* Low true output turns on Middle Green indicator LED */ #define L_LED 2 /* Low true output turns on Left Red indicator LED */ /* Keep the duty cycle of the following IR LEDs to 5% or less or they may burn out */ #define R_REFL_LED 6 /* HIGH true output turns on Right object detector IR LED */ #define L_REFL_LED 7 /* HIGH true output turns on Left object detector IR LED */ char workB; /* Port B motor control bits */ #define LeftEnable 5 /* Left Motor pwm (L293D enable enable)*/ #define RightEnable 4 /* Right Motor pwm (L293D enable enable)*/ #define FwdLeft 3 /*Left Motor forward */ #define RevLeft 2 /*Left Motor reverse*/ #define FwdRight 1 /*Right Motor forward */ #define RevRight 0 /*Right Motor reverse */ #define P_width 22 /*Motor pulse width in interrupt ticks*/ char tx_ptr,rx_ptr,txstate,rxstate; char crcH,crcL; char r_speed; char l_speed; char l_integrate; char r_integrate; char dir_ctl; char testmode; char speed_to_pulse_rate(char speed); char timer2,startup_timer,motor_timer,tilt_dir, escape_timer; char tilt_memory, border_memory, pushback_memory, cruse_memory; char counter1; char t8k_timer; /* 8000 ticks/sec down counter */ char runTimer_H; /* measures run time in seconds */ char runTimer_L; char spi_stat; char battery; char drive_current, drive_current_avg; char flags, arb_code; char debug; char mon_dir_ctrl; char lf_sens, rf_sens; char cruse_output, chase_output , current_limit_output , border_output; char check_battery_output, continue_output, arbitrate_output; char l_IR, r_IR, amb_light; char lf_avg,rf_avg,lr_avg,rr_avg, f_ratio, r_ratio; char divide10; char divide100; char lr_ratio; //Bits in flags variable #define tick100 0 #define direction 1 #define r_odo_last 2 #define stalled 3 #define spin_left 4 #define spin_right 5 #define attack 6 char rnd; /*random number*/ char ctr; /* a counter */ char temp; //---------------------------------------------------------- #define COUNT 1 /* offset to count field in tx/rx buffers */ #define ADDRESS 0 /* offset to address field in tx/rx buffers */ #define DATA 2 /* offset to start of data in tx/rx buffers */ char test_hi@0xfe; char detect_line(); char neg(char x); char integrate(char speed,char mfb,char integ); //------------------------------------------------------------------ /* Interrupts from Timer 0 occur at about 8,000 per second. */ void interrupt(void) { char R_pulse,L_pulse,motor_avg; char i,l,r,spidata; set_bit(PORTD,4); if (INTCON & 4) { //Check for a TMR0 interrupt clear_bit(INTCON,2); //Clear timer 0 interrupt flag TMR0 = TMR0DIV + TMR0; //restart timer 0 if(t8k_timer) t8k_timer--; //8000 ticks per second timer decrement if(prescale-- == 0){ prescale = 79; if(timer != 0) timer--; //10 ms pertick timer if(timer2 != 0) timer2--; if(motor_timer != 0) motor_timer--; if(divide10++ >= 9){ if(startup_timer != 0) startup_timer--; //100ms per tick timers if(escape_timer != 0) escape_timer--; if(cruse_memory != 0) cruse_memory--; if(pushback_memory != 0) pushback_memory--; if(border_memory != 0 ) border_memory--; if(tilt_memory != 0 ) tilt_memory--; divide10 = 0; set_bit(flags,tick100); } if(divide100++ >= 99){ // 1 second per tick timer runTimer_L++; if(runTimer_L == 0) runTimer_H++; divide100 = 0; } } PORTB = workB; //output the prm motor control bits to port B workB = 0; /* adjust right pulse rate modulator */ if (right_prm < P_width) { set_bit(workB,RightEnable); if (prm_ctl & (1 << R_fwd)) set_bit(workB,FwdRight); else set_bit(workB,RevRight); } if (right_prm-- == 0) { right_prm = speed_to_pulse_rate(right_speed) + P_width; if (right_speed > 127) clear_bit(prm_ctl,R_fwd); else set_bit(prm_ctl,R_fwd); } /*adjust left pulse rate modulator */ if (left_prm < P_width) { set_bit(workB,LeftEnable); if (prm_ctl & (1 << L_fwd)) set_bit(workB,FwdLeft); else set_bit(workB,RevLeft); } if (left_prm-- == 0) { left_prm = speed_to_pulse_rate(left_speed) + P_width; if (left_speed > 127) clear_bit(prm_ctl,L_fwd); else set_bit(prm_ctl,L_fwd); } } if (bot_mode == MODE_STOP) workB = 0; //Stop the bot. if ((l_speed == 0) && (r_speed == 0)) workB = 0; if(testmode == 1) workB = 0; //Make a new random number if (rnd & 0x80) { //rnd msb is 1 asm{ movlw 1ch ; xorwf _rnd,F; bsf STATUS,C; rlf _rnd; //8 bit left shift } } else { //rnd msb is 0 asm{ bcf STATUS,C; rlf _rnd; //8 bit left shift } } clear_bit(PORTD,4); } //-------------------------------------------------------------- short mpy(char a, char b) { return a * b; } //--------------------------------------------------------------- char divide(char a, char b) { return a / b; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // compute 16 bit CRC on 1 data byte. // crcH and crcL are global variables which accumulate the 16 bit CRC. // They must be cleared before starting to compute 16 bit CRC on a string. // The final output value will be in crcH and crcL. void crc(char data){ char i; // short crc16; for (i=0;i<8;i++) { //Do all 8 bits in the data byte if (data & 0x80) crcH ^= 0x80; //if data bit is 1 then flip crc msb data = data << 1; // get next data bit if (crcH & 0x80) { //crc msb is 1 asm{ bcf STATUS,C; rlf _crcL; //16 bit left shift rlf _crcH; movlw 80h; xorwf _crcH,F; //xor with 0x8005 movlw 5; xorwf _crcL,F; } } else { //crc msb is 0 asm{ bcf STATUS,C; rlf _crcL; //16 bit left shift rlf _crcH; } } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void set_tx_buffer_crc(){ int j = tx_buf[COUNT + 0] + 2; //get data size int i; crcH = 0; //Clear crc16 crcL = 0; for (i=0;i<j;i++) crc(tx_buf[i]); //Compute crc16 over buffer tx_buf[i++] = crcH; //tack the crc bytes on the end of the buffer tx_buf[i++] = crcL; txstate = 0; //State 0 = stopped } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void make_info_pkt(){ char i,j; i = ADDRESS; tx_buf[i] = 1; // send to master i = COUNT; tx_buf[i] = 16; // n bytes i = DATA; tx_buf[i++] = 0x01; //data type = 1 tx_buf[i++] = l_speed; //1 tx_buf[i++] = r_speed; //2 tx_buf[i++] = flags; //3 tx_buf[i++] = runTimer_H; //4 tx_buf[i++] = runTimer_L; //5 tx_buf[i++] = l_IR; //6 tx_buf[i++] = r_IR; //7 tx_buf[i++] = amb_light; //8 tx_buf[i++] = bot_mode; //9 tx_buf[i++] = battery; //10 Battery voltage/3 tx_buf[i++] = mon_dir_ctrl; //11 tx_buf[i++] = timer; //12 tx_buf[i++] = lf_sens ; //13 Left front line sensor tx_buf[i++] = rf_sens ; //14 Right front line sensor tx_buf[i++] = drive_current; //15 tx_buf[i++] = arb_code; //16 crcH = 0; crcL = 0; set_tx_buffer_crc(); //compute and add CRC16 bits to end of pkt txstate = 1; //Tell scheduler it's ready to transmit } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- //send character if tx ready and return true // else return false if tx not ready char tx_byte(char c){ if (PIR1 & (1 << TXIF)) { TXREG = c; return 1; } else return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void send_tx_buffer(){ static char j; switch (txstate) { case 1: case 2: case 3: if (tx_byte(0xff)) txstate++; break; case 4: if (tx_byte(0xf0)) txstate++; break; case 5: if (tx_byte(0x55)) txstate++; break; case 6: tx_ptr = 0; j = tx_buf[COUNT + 0] + 4; //Must use COUNT+0 to force indirect addressing txstate++; break; case 7: if (tx_byte(tx_buf[tx_ptr])) { j--; tx_ptr++ ; if (j == 0) txstate = 8; } break; case 8: if (tx_byte(0x33)) { txstate = 0; } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Convert a signed value to an absolute value between 127 and 0 0 becomes 127 127 becomes 0 -128 becomes 0 */ char speed_to_pulse_rate(char speed) { if (speed > 127) { //See if speed is negative ! return speed & 0x7f; } else { return speed ^ 0x7f; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- char ad_convert(char channel) { char x; ADCON0 = channel; for (x=16;x>0;x--); //wait at least 20 us for data to stabilize set_bit(ADCON0,GO_DONE); //start A-D conversion clear_bit(PORTD,R_REFL_LED); //turn off both IR object detect LEDs clear_bit(PORTD,L_REFL_LED); while (ADCON0 & (1 << NOT_DONE)); //wait for conversion to complete return ADRESH; //Return unsigned result } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void get_AD_values(){ drive_current = ad_convert(AD_4); //Read unsigned drive motor current 1v/amp battery = ad_convert(AD_7); //Read battery voltage/3 clear_bit(PORTC,R_EDGE_LED) ; //White line sensor Right IR emitter ON rf_sens = ad_convert(AD_0); //Read right front sensor set_bit(PORTC,R_EDGE_LED); //White line sensor Right IR emitter OFF clear_bit(PORTC,L_EDGE_LED); //White line sensor Left IR emitter ON lf_sens = ad_convert(AD_1); //Read left front sensor set_bit(PORTC,L_EDGE_LED); //White line sensor Left IR emitter OFF } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void adjust_motor_speed(){ char i; rmfb = ad_convert(AD_RMFB)+128; //get right motor feedback as signed value lmfb = ad_convert(AD_LMFB)+128; //get left motor feedback as signed value for (i=0;i<10;i++) { //Adjust motor speeds based on feedback values r_integrate = integrate(r_speed,rmfb,r_integrate); l_integrate = integrate(l_speed,lmfb,l_integrate); right_speed = r_integrate; left_speed = l_integrate; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- //dir_control constants. #define FWD 1 #define FWD_LEFT 2 #define FWD_RIGHT 3 #define FWD_HARD_LEFT 4 #define FWD_HARD_RIGHT 5 #define FWD_MAX 6 #define SPIN_LEFT 10 #define SPIN_RIGHT 11 #define STOP 12 #define REV 16 #define REV_LEFT 17 #define REV_RIGHT 18 #define REV_HARD_LEFT 19 #define REV_HARD_RIGHT 20 #define REV_MAX 21 void dir_control(char value) { mon_dir_ctrl = value; if(value <= FWD_MAX) set_bit(flags,direction) ; //Set forward flag if(value >= REV) clear_bit(flags,direction); //or set the reverse flag switch(value){ case FWD: l_speed = FWD4; r_speed = FWD4; break; case FWD_MAX: l_speed = FWD5; r_speed = FWD5; break; case FWD_LEFT: l_speed = FWD2; r_speed = FWD5; break; case FWD_RIGHT: l_speed = FWD5; r_speed = FWD2; break; case FWD_HARD_LEFT: l_speed = 0; r_speed = FWD5; break; case FWD_HARD_RIGHT: l_speed = FWD5; r_speed = 0; break; case REV: l_speed = REV4; r_speed = REV4; break; case REV_MAX: l_speed = REV5; r_speed = REV5; break; case REV_LEFT: l_speed = FWD1; r_speed = REV5; break; case REV_RIGHT: l_speed = REV5; r_speed = FWD1; break; case REV_HARD_LEFT: l_speed = 0; r_speed = REV5; break; case REV_HARD_RIGHT: l_speed = REV5; r_speed = 0; break; case SPIN_LEFT: l_speed = REV4; r_speed = FWD4; break; case SPIN_RIGHT: l_speed = FWD4; r_speed = REV4; break; case STOP: l_speed = 0; r_speed = 0; break; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Saturating addition. Result is clipped at +127 or -128 instead of overflowing. Note the parameters a and b and signed char values (-128..+127) but the compiler thinks they are unsigned values (0..255) so I had to do some strange looking things below. */ char addsat(char a, char b) { char r; if (a > 127) goto a_minus; //See if a is minus if (b > 127) goto a_b_diff; //a is plus, check b for minusness r = a + b; //Both a and b are positive numbers if (r > 127) r = 127; //clip at +limit return r; a_minus: if (b < 0x80) goto a_b_diff; //A is minus, now check b and see if it's minus too r = a + b; if (r < 0x80) r = 0x80; //clip at -128 return r; a_b_diff: return a + b; //No clipping needed } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- /* return the absolute value of x */ char abs(char x){ if(x > 127){ x ^= 0xff; x++; } return x; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- char abs_diff(char a, char b) { if(a == 0) return b; if(b == 0) return a; if(a > b) return (a - b); else return ( b - a) ; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- /* return the negative of x */ char neg(char x){ x ^= 0xff; x++; return x; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- /* return x if its 0 or less else return 0 */ char clip_pos(char x){ if(x < 128) x = 0; return x; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- /* return x if it's 0 or higher else return 0 */ char clip_neg(char x){ if(x > 127) x = 0; return x; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- //return the a 16 bit value char sign16(int x){ char rv; rv = 0; if(x & 0x8000) rv = 1; return rv; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- //Limit x to +/- l char limit(char x, char l){ if(x & 0x80){ if( x < neg(l)) return neg(l); else return x; } if( x > l) return l; else return x; } //----------------------------------------------------------- char divideby2(char x){ if(x < 128) return (x >> 1); else{ return (x >> 1) | 0x80; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------- char ratio(char a, char b) { short d; char c; if((a == 0) && (b == 0)) return 0; c = abs_diff(a,b); d = c * 256; d = d -1; if(a > b) c = a ; else c = b; if(c == 0) return 255; else return (d / c); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- char integrate(char speed,char mfb,char integ) { speed = speed + 128; //convert to unsigned mfb = mfb + 128; if (speed > mfb) { integ++; if (integ == 0x80) integ--; //Clip at +127 return integ; } else { integ--; if (integ == 0x7f) integ++; //Clip at -128 return integ; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- #define IR_MIN 180 /*Reverse directon when we see the white border line */ /* Note: IR readings sit at 250 to 255 on black and drop to about 110 on white. */ void check_border() { static char action; static char lock; char time; if(lock != 1){ action = 0; if(lf_sens < IR_MIN){ action = REV_RIGHT; time = 10 + (rnd & 7); } if(rf_sens < IR_MIN){ action = REV_LEFT; time = 10 + (rnd & 7); } if((lf_sens < IR_MIN) && (rf_sens < IR_MIN)){ if(runTimer_L & 1){ action = REV_LEFT; //random left or right turnaround }else{ action = REV_RIGHT; } time = 12; } if(action){ border_memory = time; //timeout border_output = REV; //Initially backup lock = 1; } } if(border_memory){ if((lf_sens < IR_MIN) || (rf_sens < IR_MIN)) border_output = REV; //Backup until sensors see black again else border_output = action; //Then execute the turn-around } else{ border_output = 0; time = 0; lock = 0; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void cruse() { cruse_output = FWD; // if(cruse_memory == 0) cruse_memory = 12; // if(cruse_memory > 0) cruse_output = SPIN_RIGHT ; // if(cruse_memory > 6) cruse_output = FWD; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- #define lmin 8 void chase() { chase_output = 0; set_bit(PORTD,M_LED); //Attack indictor LED off clear_bit(flags,attack); set_bit(PORTD,R_LED); set_bit(PORTD,L_LED); if((l_IR > lmin) || (r_IR > lmin)){ if(ratio(l_IR,r_IR) > 150){ if(l_IR > r_IR){ chase_output = FWD_LEFT; clear_bit(PORTD,L_LED) ; } else{ chase_output = FWD_RIGHT; clear_bit(PORTD,R_LED); } }else{ chase_output = FWD_MAX; set_bit(flags,attack); clear_bit(PORTD,M_LED); //Turn on green attack LED } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- //Stop motors while current exceeds I . void limit_motor_current(char I){ if(drive_current > I){ current_limit_output = STOP; }else{ current_limit_output = 0; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Stop motors while battery reads less than 5.5 volts (or whatever "low_limit" is) void check_battery(char low_limit){ if((battery < low_limit) && (runTimer_L > 6)){ //After 6 secs and bat less than 5.5 volts. check_battery_output = STOP; } else{ check_battery_output = 0; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- //IR object detector processing. Normal ambiant light reading is about 50. void process_IR() { amb_light = ad_convert(AD_5); //Read ambiant light value if(amb_light > 100) return; //Don't process if blinded by external IR pulse set_bit(PORTD,R_REFL_LED); //Right object detect IR LED on r_IR = ad_convert(AD_5) ; //Read value , IR LED is turned off by ad_convert() if(r_IR > amb_light) r_IR = r_IR - amb_light; else r_IR = 0; set_bit(PORTD,L_REFL_LED); //Left object detect IR LED on l_IR = ad_convert(AD_5) ; //Read value , IR LED is turned off by ad_convert() if(l_IR > amb_light) l_IR = l_IR - amb_light; else l_IR = 0; clear_bit(PORTD,R_REFL_LED); //Make sure both LEDs are off clear_bit(PORTD,L_REFL_LED); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Subsumption arbitration happens here. void arbitrate(){ arb_code = 0; if(cruse_output) { arb_code = 1; dir_ctl = cruse_output; } //Lowest priority if(chase_output) { arb_code = 2; dir_ctl = chase_output; } if(border_output) { arb_code = 5; dir_ctl = border_output; } if(current_limit_output) { arb_code = 6; dir_ctl = current_limit_output;} if(check_battery_output) { arb_code = 7; dir_ctl = check_battery_output; } //Highest priority dir_control(dir_ctl); //Now tell the motors what to do. } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- main() { char i; char x; char y; char z; test_hi = 0; INTCON = 0; STATUS = 0; PORTA = 0; PORTB = 0; PORTC = 3; PORTD = 0x3f ; T1CON = 0; TMR0 = 0; workB = 0x20; tx_ptr = 0; rx_ptr = 0; RCSTA = 0x90; //SPEN + CREN (configure serial port) set_bit(STATUS,RP0); //Bank1 set_tris_b(0x00); //Port B bits are outputs set_tris_c(0xc0); //Port C outputs except 6:7 are UART pins TRISA = 0xff; //port A all analog inputs TRISD = 0; //port D outputs TRISE = 0x7; //port E analog inputs OPTION_REG = 0x01; //Prescaler 1:4 assigned to Timer 0, pullups on portB ADCON1 = 0; //Set all port A to analog with VREF=VCC TXSTA = 0xa2; //Set tx usart status/ctrl reg= CSRC + TXEN + TRMT SPBRG = BAUDDIV; //Set baudrate //SSPSTAT = 0x00; //SPI PORT slave mode CKE = 0 SMP = 0 PIE1 = 0; //Disable all peripheral interrupts //set_bit(PIE1,SSPIE); //Enable SPI port interrupts clear_bit(STATUS,RP0); //Bank0 //SSPCON = 0; //SSPCON = 0x15; // SPI slave mode -SS disabled clock = SCK pin CKP=1 //set_bit(SSPCON,SSPEN); //Enable SPI port clear_bit(INTCON,T0IF); //Clear Timer 0 interrupt flag TMR0 = TMR0DIV; //Start Timer 0 set_bit(INTCON,T0IE); //Enable Timer 0 interrupts set_bit(INTCON,PEIE); //Enable peripheral interrupts set_bit(INTCON,GIE); //Enable global interrupts iavg[0] = 0; iavg[1] = 0; iavg[2] = 0; iavg[3] = 0; drive_current_avg = 0; txstate = 0; clear_bit(PORTD,M_LED); //green indicator LED on testmode = 0; startup_timer = 50; tilt_memory = 0; border_memory = 0; pushback_memory = 0; cruse_memory = 0; timer2 = 0; flags = 0; divide10 = 0; divide100 = 0; counter1 = 10; runTimer_H = 0; runTimer_L = 0; left_speed = 0; right_speed = 0; r_integrate = 0; l_integrate = 0; r_speed = 0; l_speed = 0; speed = 0; lf_sens = 256; rf_sens = 256; bot_mode = MODE_STOP; dir_ctl = STOP; mon_dir_ctrl = dir_ctl; arb_code = 0; /* Wait here for 5 seconds after power up */ startup_timer = 50; //5 sec while(startup_timer > 0){ //Wait 5 sec before starting clear_bit(PORTD,3); if(startup_timer & 4){ clear_bit(PORTD,M_LED); } else{ set_bit(PORTD,M_LED); // blink the green LED during the 5 sec wait. } get_AD_values(); if(t8k_timer == 0){ t8k_timer = 16; //2ms timeout value process_IR(); //Get info from IR object detector } chase(); //Refresh Indicator LEDs based on IR sensors if (txstate == 0) make_info_pkt(); //Get new data for transmission send_tx_buffer(); //Send data on RF link if TX ready set_bit(PORTD,3); } clear_bit(PORTD,3); //test set_bit(PORTD,M_LED); //Indicator LED off bot_mode = MODE_RUN; //Allow motors to run t8k_timer = 16; //timeout in 2ms /* Start of the main program loop */ for(;;){ if (txstate == 0) make_info_pkt(); //Get new data for transmission send_tx_buffer(); //Send data on RF link if TX ready if(timer2 == 0){ get_AD_values(); //Every 10ms read the A to D converters timer2 = 1; } /* Now check all the sensors */ check_border(); cruse(); chase(); clear_bit(PORTD,3); //test limit_motor_current(30); // 600 MA Limit check_battery(93); //5.5 volt lower limit set_bit(PORTD,3); //test // Sort it all out and decide what to tell the motor controller. arbitrate(); adjust_motor_speed(); if(t8k_timer == 0){ t8k_timer = 16; //2ms timeout value process_IR(); //Get info from IR object detector } if(flags & (1 << tick100)){ //Every 100 ms do this... iavg[3] = iavg[2]; //Average the motor current over 400ms iavg[2] = iavg[1]; iavg[1] = iavg[0]; iavg[0] = drive_current; drive_current_avg = 0; for(i=0;i<4;i++) drive_current_avg = drive_current_avg + iavg[i]; drive_current_avg = drive_current_avg >> 2; //div by 4 clear_bit(flags,tick100); } } //end main loop } //End main() /* End of source */
Kaynak: wa4dsy.net/robot/deltaforce/
Şifre-Pass: 320volt.com
Yayım tarihi: 2011/01/10 Etiketler: L293D, lego sumo robot, microchip pic projeleri, PIC16F877 örnekleri, robot yapımı, robot yarışması, sumo robot
no podrias subir un archivo donde venga todo a detalle de como hiciste el robot mini sumo por favor.