Potentially hazardous voltage spikes on the power supply in a simple circuit can protect your device. Zener 12v low voltage determines the value that can be assigned. 10k potentiometer can set higher values than the 12v. To reset thyristor tic106 the circuit must disconnect the supply voltage.
Protection Circuit Schematic Diagram
Published: 2011/07/04 Tags: power electronic projects, simple circuit projects
RGB Led Example Circuit Atmega88 Atmega8 Atmega48
White LEDs, blue LEDs, ultra bright LEDs RGB LEDs saying quite a lot in the sample application with popular microcontrollers are used in this circuit, atmega8 ATMEGA48 Atmega88 ATmega output MOSFETs are driven by LEDs in the C language prepared by the software. Also prepared by isis proteus simulation is in the drawing.