Viper22a quite popular a few years, I’ve used the high level of tolerance in theory, but I can say that I can not give more details very different from the explosion in my experiment, I tried without cracking or protection works fine now available for the price. Integrated fixed 60kHz operating frequency 20w power can give supply voltage 9v … 38V from further before I share the design in Programs’s (“viper12 to viper22 in isolation SMPS power supply design”, “STMicroelectronics VIPer SMPS Design Program”)
There are two LED driver applications, application manufacturers (STMicroelectronics) was carried out by the company details to the inch, all information given in the diagram drawing pcb
VIPer22A Viper12 circuit Offline constant current LED driver
Viper22A-E Dimmable driver for high brightness LEDs
all circuit files:
FILE DOWNLOAD LINK LIST (in TXT format): LINKS-18216.zip
Published: 2012/01/01 Tags: power electronic projects, pwm circuits, smps circuits, smps projects, smps schematic
DIY Transformer Winder Machine
Earlier transformer winding machines, reels about shares was this system quite been handy especially EE, EI SMPS transformers, coils wrap is ideal for a small structure, the main section sleeve large type pencil sharpeners used spr to see how many old type numbering is used for numbering instead Source Calculator available. The number of spins with calculators to observe to do “hand-made transformer winding machine (winder)” comment made in an article by @ 45mehmet was reported .