Fm transmitter circuit 741 op-amp integrated based on a simple, stable FM transmitter circuit 9-volt battery is working with the adapter, can be used but 9v battery to a cleaner source .. author 30cm tall telescopic antenna used instead of electronics store located in the radio antenna used L1 coil of a pen on the 1 mm wire windings to be wound round 2 of 4 .3 mm range will be all ranges must be the same ….
Our project is the construction of an FM transmitter circuit for the range of commercial radio frequencies between 88 MHz and 108 MHz The transmitter is easy to build, has reduced dimensions and all components that are easily can be found in stores of venda of electrical components in storage or in your school. This provides a high power transmitter mainly in open areas and with its huge sensitivity is able to capture the minimum sound, and could even be used to carry out espionage.
741 Fm transmitter
9 Volts (opcional 12 V)
88 a 108 MHz
500-1 km (antena)
50 mA a 100 mA (Tipicamente)
200 mW (Tipicamente)
Source: radiofonia.com.sapo.pt 1Km Fm transmitter schematic circuit pcb
Published: 2008/06/16 Tags: analog circuits projects, simple circuit projects
DiSEqC Tester Circuit with Atmel ATtiny13
This device is designed to help define the way DiSEqC-switches to the working protocols 1.0 and 1.1 and the number of entrances to 4 – x. It feeds the unit from the source of constant tension 12 V. For monitoring of correct inputs diseka used LEDs, which, if correct diseka must times a second switch, with only one to shine lights at any time. Permanent luminescence or nesvechenie one of the LED will indicate the failure sign. Moreover, it is possible to reduce the amplitude of parcels 22 kHz to 300 mV to test our diseka in difficult circumstances, such as long feeder.