Triacs and Thyristors Tester Circuit

| July 9, 2023 Updated
Triacs and Thyristors  Tester Circuit

Thyristors and triacs are extremely universally applicable electronic switches. However, due to its special conductivity properties, it cannot be tested without special measuring equipment. Our small test circuit allows these components to be checked quickly. It operates on 12 V AC and is switched by two light-emitting diode triac/thyristor, which displays half-waves of AC voltage.



Triac, Thyristor Electronic circuits have been defined so far as powerful, non-contact switches. Especially in power electronics, for switching high AC voltages or alternating currents are indispensable.

The field of application extends to more or less bulky components depending on the task. Control of electric locomotives from small lamp dimmers.

A thyristor, also called a reverse blocking thyristor triode, is basically a controllable diode that acts like a diode in the blocking direction. means flowing no current applied as long as the cathode has a positive voltage with respect to the anode. In the forward direction, the defined current is controlled (“ignited”) if the thyristor is conductive only with the gate.

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Triacs and Thyristors Tester Circuit


Published: 2008/06/28 Tags: ,

1 Comment “Triacs and Thyristors Tester Circuit

  1. Electronics CircuitsElectronics Circuits

    12V 7A Rectifier Filter Circuits

    The circuit board the power supply consists of a Bridge Rectifiers with downstream E Capacitors. The input AC voltage is 1 and KL on the 6.3-mm plug ST 1 and ST 2. The diode D 1 D 4 to form the bridge rectifier. The low voltage of the river This money Schottky diodes reduced the power loss compared to a silicon diode around half creating a continuous current of up to 7 A is possible. Of course, the diodes in this current chilled, but enough already a small aluminum angle out.



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