TFT240320TP 3.2inc TFT LCD module prepared for the detailed application note, LCD driver code and project materials used in the datasheet files, application notes TFT will be shown with photos of the Image LCD Program and preparation have been described in the ARM, AVR, PIC microcontrollers with use and a lot more information given.
FILE DOWNLOAD LINK LIST (in TXT format): LINKS-22060.zip
Published: 2013/08/23 Tags: arm project, microcontroller projects
SS495 Hall Sensor Circuit Of Magnetic Attraction
An old post; “LM741 op-amp with a magnetic Shooting Practice” was shared in this project seems a little more advanced with .. Magnetic-up circuit TL071 opamp based on the electromagnetic coil between the SS495 Hall sensor is placed author of several pieces on the magnet by placing a lot of testing done for the project pcb drawing of shared
TFT240320TP 3.2 LCD-Touch-Screen-Anwendung Treiber-Beispiel-code
TFT240320TP inc 3.2 TFT-LCD-Modul vorbereitet für die ausführliche application note, LCD-Treiber-code und Projekt Materialien, die in der Datenblatt-Dateien, application notes TFT mit Fotos der Bild-LCD-Programm-und-Vorbereitung wurden beschrieben in den ARM, AVR, PIC-mikrocontroller, die mit der Nutzung und viel mehr Informationen gegeben.