In a circuit, TDA7375 amp IC before shared with “TDA7375 speaker Watt amplifier circuit”, this circuit is in addition to the more advanced LM1036N integrated tone of control would have the only source-fed asymmetric, 12v circuit.You can use your car to work with DC voltage 18v.
TDA7375 Amplifier circuit diagram and sound connections
PCB drawing 2x12V transformer using a two diode rectifier systems designed according to the DC 12v source if you have a 6 amp diode to use Gerak not one of them rather than jumping (wire) can plug the meantime diode reverse voltage to give the download protection acts not what happens if you say diodes can use.
TDA7375 audio volume adjustment pot stand by switching legs so that cuts the voltage to the integrated LM1036 also goes to standby supply voltage is passing through this switch ..
tamircihasan: Friends schema file in the TDA7375 datasheet `s standard schema is used. I have made previously, such as the TDA1554 amplifier work .. full of pretty good quality filter and audio feeds to get the custom printed circuit board was prepared by me. Changing the printed circuit board printed circuit TDA1554 `reputation was obtained. There is no change in plaque measurements. just a few materials and integrated leg link is changed. Sound quality is quite nice just the same as TDA7375 TDA1554 TDA1554 is a circuit with super-efficient power is the difference between the difference. I would definitely recommend doing. On a single tone control circuit plaque versiyonunuda have prepared and we share with you.
PCB drawings alternative link:
FILE DOWNLOAD LINK LIST (in TXT format): LINKS-22781.zip
For sharing @tamircihasan Thank you my brother
Published: 2014/03/02 Tags: audio amplifier circuits, ic amplifier
1W Amplifier with TDA2822M Stereo
The 1 watt audio amplifier circuit presented here uses the famous TDA2822M integrated circuit, which is one of the most integrated amplifiers used in conventional PC. This integrated can deliver a maximum power of 600 milli-watts per channel, for a total of 1.2 watts.
The integrated circuit TDA2822M is a stereo amplifier in 8-pin type encapsulated MINIDIP. Its most common use is as an amplifier in radios, small game consoles, home computer speakers, among others.
TDA2822M 1W Amplifier Schematic Diagram
Klangregelung TDA7375 LM1036N Verstärkerschaltung
In einem Stromkreis TDA7375-Verstärker IC, bevor Sie gemeinsam mit “TDA7375 Lautsprecher-Watt-Verstärker-Schaltung”, diese Schaltung ist zusätzlich zu der fortgeschrittenen LM1036N integrierte Ton der Kontrolle hätte die einzige Quelle-gefüttert, asymmetrisch, 12-V-Schaltung.Sie können mit Ihrem Auto zur Arbeit mit DC-Spannung 18v.