Guys Hi, I come to you with a new circuit. To tell you from the beginning, this circuit is developed with requests from me. These are simple, low-cost, practical, small size and a subwoofer amplifier for a standard home environment was sufficient.I think it’s just been such a circuit.Amplifier power is flawed TDA7294 with max. 70W RMS 5% distortion.Of course, some of this power to datasheette we need to table on page 3.
According to the impedance of the speaker will use the supply voltage can select g . I want to drop a note here , I can be seen in the video 2x24vac 300W into 4 ohms output transformer and speaker JBL 30cm . I drove by . Of course, only the speaker . Except it ‘s not 2 different (power and impedance) speaker . I did the test with . Clearly, one must be installed hour , 2 hour audio test despite 25% 2x24vac 4ohmluk 30cm speakers with the exception of heat reflected sound too was a side effect , so there was no deterioration . While the subwoofer is already less understood.
If we continue , but at present the circuit volume and frequency settings for now because I have the ability to quantify what the following is between these frequencies can not say . However, according to my speakers in my ear and I think it is appropriate by . Those who want can already edit it with a two- play by themselves . Apart from this, the power lines on the PCB with solder coating is helpful to have .
Finally, the sound quality of the video can not be understood , of course, but you can at least give you an idea
Come easily to everyone good work …
To the circuit diagram subwoofer amp;
TDA7294 Subwoofer Amplifier PCB files:
Published: 2013/09/22 Tags: audio amplifier circuits, ic amplifier, tda7294 amplifier circuit
LumiLed Drivers SMPS 700mA 135V TOP250Y
Lumiled Driver SMPS circuit TOP250Y based on shared before, “PI Expert Smps design program” used, but has been modified to 135v at (the pi expert design does not allow over 100v) in addition to raise the voltage transformer sekonderi 30-round hemmed trimpot. a total of 48 pieces lumiled used. 700Ma Lumiled SMPS circuit PI Expert files and Driver 135V at pdf format TOP250Y schema, pcb etc. files..
Subwoofer Verstärker mit TDA7294
Hi, ich komme zu Euch mit einer neuen Schaltung. Sagen Sie von Anfang an diese Schaltung entwickelt, mit Anfragen von mir. Dies sind einfache, kostengünstige, praktische, kleine Größe und ein subwoofer-Verstärker für ein standard-home-Umgebung für ausreichend.Ich denke, es ist nur so eine Schaltung.Verstärker ist fehlerhaft TDA7294 mit max. 70W RMS, 5% Verzerrung.Natürlich werden einige von diese macht, um datasheette müssen wir in der Tabelle auf Seite 3.