100W Amplifier circuit based on TDA7294 vu meter on a single PCB (LM3914), bass, treble tone controls for setting circuit (opamp 4558) and the supply circuit’s. The potency of tone control circuit wires soldered to the metal chassis to be connected to the chassis vu meter circuit if the LEDs mounted in an inclined position would be better for boxing if done appearance Proteus ARES pcb circuit drawing has started. TDA7294 100W amp circuit can be fed with 2 × 15 ….. 2x24V Transformer 120w ..
Complete 100W TDA7294 amplifier VU meter Tone Control proteus ares pcb file:
FILE DOWNLOAD LINK LIST (in TXT format): LINKS-19828.zip
Published: 2012/09/29 Tags: audio amplifier circuits, ic amplifier, tda7294 amplifier circuit
200W Car Amplifier Circuit LM3886 SG3525
This car amp circuit one where I saw the original, but only there was a picture I think he of the amplifier clone anyway .. circuit of the amplifier on the floor 2 LM3886 is used used in car 12v battery voltage symmetric 2 × 40 volts to turn sg3525 based on the DC to DC converter used .. The good side of all There are detailed information, particularly the winding core of ferrite core can be useful picture of ferrite core winding section of the sg3525 1.2mm wire winding wrapped around three parallel 2 × 4 to 2 × 12 secondary output from the 1.6mm wire to be wound round
Kompletter Verstärker TDA7294 100W
100W Verstärkerschaltung basierend auf TDA7294 Vu-Meter auf einer einzigen Platine (LM3914), Bass, Höhenregler für Einstellschaltung (Opamp 4558) und die Versorgungsschaltung. Die Stärke von Tonsteuerkreisdrähten, die an das Metallgehäuse gelötet sind, um mit der Chassis-Vu-Meter-Schaltung verbunden zu werden, wenn die in einer geneigten Position montierten LEDs besser zum Boxen wären, wenn das Erscheinen der Proteus ARES-Leiterplattenzeichnung begonnen hat. TDA7294 100W Amp Schaltung kann mit 2 × 15 … .. 2x24V Transformator 120W gespeist werden.