A complete amplifier module for subwoofer on the TDA7294 bridge.
Implemented functions:
power amplifier based on TDA7294 (70-140W)
gain regulation
adjustable low-pass filter (80-150Hz) with the option of shutdown (full-band operation)
phase switch (0-180 degrees)
subsonic filter (passive 3-order 19,25,33 Hz to choose from)
auto-on / off with the switch of this function (ON / AUTO mode)
mono (low) level input (sensitivity around 150mV)
high-level (stereo) input (differential, sensitivity approx. 1.5V)
silent on / off systems
The dimensions of the tile are approximately 10x10cm. In addition: TDA pressure beam (three-hole laminate).
For proper operation, the module needs a transformer connection
power and heat sink.
Recommended transformers (for maximum power):
1. 1xTDA7294 version: 100W 2x24V for 4ohm, 100W 2x30V for 8ohm
2. 2xTDA7294 version: 200W 2x24V for 8ohm, 200W 2x30V for 16ohm
The module is constructed in such a way that without arming the awakening and the relay it will also implement the auto-cut function, then the armed mode will be based on the main turn-on.
TDA7294 Amplifier IC prepared with two different subwoob bass amp circuit and they both look alike 200w that circuit 2 TDA7294 bridge connecting power enhanced bass filter Katinka’s supply 5 .6 w a small transformer is taken from the fact amp supply being regulated it can be fed di but this way more been a good case can be made according to the conventional system. TDA7294 circuit 1 circuit which used 100-watt than other simple …
Two-speed PCB design at it’s very smart and shared all the details pcb, diagram layout, etc. ..
Source: fratu.pl/irek
FILE DOWNLOAD LINK LIST (in TXT format): LINKS-18457.zip
Published: 2012/01/30 Tags: audio amplifier circuits, ic amplifier, tda7294 amplifier circuit
Backup Power Supply Circuit Auto Charger Li-Polymer Li-ion Battery
While engaged in electric power cut-off when charging circuits have two pieces one 14.4v battery charger is not charging current to 500mA of charge vıltaj 4AH, suitable for 7AH battery. Other circuits are also doing the same job but li ion or lithium-polymer batteries designed to charge LiPo 4.2V or 8.4V charge voltage can be adjusted.
TDA7294 Verstärker-IC, der mit zwei verschiedenen Subwoob-Bassverstärkerkreisen ausgestattet ist und beide 200 W ähnlich aussehen, wie die Brücke TDA7294, die das leistungsgesteigerte Bassfilter verbindet. Katinkas Versorgung 5,6 Wa kleiner Transformator wird aus der Tatsache entnommen, dass die Amperversorgung geregelt wird. Sie kann di aber gespeist werden Auf diese Weise kann ein guter Fall nach dem herkömmlichen System hergestellt werden. TDA7294 Schaltung 1 Schaltung, die 100 Watt als andere einfache verwendet …
Zwei-Geschwindigkeits-PCB-Design ist sehr intelligent und teilt alle Details der Leiterplatte, des Diagrammlayouts usw
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